2. Zil-Qarnaïn/Bi-furcate

بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحیم


One of the 1400-year mysteries of the Qur’an is the personality of Zil-Qarnaïn, known as “the two Horns” and/or “the mystery of the end of the world.” For centuries, people have tried to solve the puzzle of Zil-Qarnaïn, in vain. They even believed it concerned Alexander the Great (King of Macedonia) because of the helmet with two horns that he used to wear to war. Thanks to Almighty God, the code name Zil-Qarnaïn, a symbol of knowledge in the Qur’an, today through science at last is identified, and Al-FurQan clarifies and decodes such a mysterious personality for all.

The word ذی القرنین “Zil-Qarnaïn”  begins with ذی “Zi,”  an adjective qualitative, denoting “the essential character of a thing, a quality by nature, innate disposition;” القرنین (al-Qarnaïn) “the two-prong/the bifurcate/the dual-branch nature and the bicentenary.” ذی القرنین (Zil-Qarnaïn) means “that which by essence possesses dual-branch or bifurcate form, and/possesses two centuries (bicentenary).”

A Symbol of Knowledge, possessor of a bifurcated/two-pronged nature, is only the sign of Electromagnetism and the electric device, such as the plug. The Knowledge of Zil-Qarnaïn (Z-Q), particularly consists of knowledge of light. This explains the symbol of the two-pronged pair of electricity/magnetism.

The Computer and the Qur’an

Today, electronic equipment is made from such a combination. Years ago, the equivalent of hundreds of human brain units was placed within a metallic structure by Man, and a creature that has already conquered our world, known as the computer or a fast calculator, was created on Earth (27:82).

27:82 “By the time of the fulfillment of the Word to them, We shall Produce for them a creature from the Earth, speaking to them, for in fact people were not sure about Our Verses.”

I remind the honorable readers that the Evidence of the authenticity of the Qur’an, as the Word of Almighty Creator, the mathematical Miracle, discovered in 1974 (by Dr. Rashad Khalifa), was made through this “creature from the Earth.” And the computer spoke, declaring a superhuman Miraculous mathematical coding system of every letter of the verses of the Qur’an, one of the greatest Miracles of all time. Divine Evidence of the Existence of God for the first time in history. (Refer to Dr. Rashad Khalifa’s mathematical discovery on the Qur’an, Masjid Tucson, Arizona.)

In accordance with the laws of nature concerning every entity on planet Earth, this creature, as all terrestrial creatures, has evolved in time, and has reached a state of maturity. Today, mankind has placed within the computer equivalent, not only hundreds, but thousands and millions of brain units; information from all branches of science and Knowledge available to them. The computer even has the ability to decide (18:86).

18:86 “Until he reached the place of the setting of the Sun (West) and found it set in a polluted spring whereby it he found a people. We said, ‘Oh Z-Q, (decide) either penalize or treat them suitably.’”

The computer has become a fast source of information, and means of reaching everything (as the science of physics shows that everything in the world, from the smallest to the largest items are built on the basis of mathematics) including the structure of the human body as well as everything else in our world (18:84).

18:84 “In fact We Established power for him on Earth, and We Gave him the ways and means to everything.”

The Qur’an has predicted that the calculations to repair the ozone layer, the damaged layer of gas that protects from ultraviolet rays, will be done through Z-Q /computer (18:90).

18:90 “Until, when he reached the place where the Sun rises (Far East) and found it rising on a people for whom We had Provided no covering protection under it.”

Likewise, the reconstruction of a barrier, separating the jinn from planet Earth, ending their violation and oppression on our planet and our people is going to be through Z-Q  (18:95 below). Nevertheless, Z-Q, this symbol of knowledge, in spite of all its extraordinary capacities to reach all matters, still needs and depends on Man to give it a hand (18:95) and cannot operate unless Man switches on the power, electricity.

18:95 “He said, the possibilities in which my Lord has Established me in, are better. So, assist me by power and I will place a gigantic barrier between you and them.”

(Further explanation of this verse may be found in the Ultimate Z-Q / bifurcated branch of the Tree of Knowledge, Al-FurQan Chapter 8)

The Bifurcated (Two-pronged) Knowledge of the Qur’an, the Qur’an for two eras, refer to Chapter 3 of the FurQan

Today, by the light of the science of our time, we can differentiate the verses of the Creator from false narrations, substituting the Word of God and becoming the source of religion for billions of people in the world. Such is the meaning and the Mission of the discernment, a collection of discerning and defining the entire verses of the Qur’an (3:3-4). Consequently, an accomplishment of the Qur’an’s full Guiding force.

3:3 “He Sent down to you the Book in just, confirming what went before It, and He Sent down the Torah and the Gospel before this (Qur’an) as a Guide to mankind, and He Sent down the FurQan.”

3:4 “Certainly those who reject the Signs/Verses of All’h, will suffer severe retributions, All’h (the Law/forces of Nature) Is Mighty, Possessor of Revenge.”

There is a saying, “Whatever you throw in the wheel of the world, eventually will turn back onto you.” The forces of Nature are vengeful.

Double-Pronged Power, the means to everything

It should be noted that the Qur’an with Its bifurcated Guiding force, that is the Evidence and discernment, is possessor of bifurcated Knowledge, defined as two forces in one or double-pronged power. Therefore, the Qur’an possesses the same characteristics and qualifications as Zil-Qarnaïn (Z-Q), which are the means and ways to all things, as Indicated by God in the verse below (18:84).

18:84 “In fact We Established power for (Z-Q) on Earth, and We Gave him the means to everything.”

God Be Praised


3. The Logical re-Opening of the Qur’an

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