19. Discernment of Al-Rahïm, the Merciful

بسم ﷲ الر حمن الر حیم

Discernment of Al-Rahïm, the Merciful

الرحیم (Al-R’ HÏM “the Merciful (to all))”

Reminder, as you know by now the Qur’an is based on a mathematical coding system and the first verse (“Bsm All’h AlR’hm’n AlR’hïm”) is composed of 19 letters. It is imperative to respect the number of letters in the writing.

1.       Al-R’ HÏM consists of six letters, (the pronunciation in Arabic of this Miraculous word is Al-Raheem)

2.       As for mentioning the Sign () in Arabic, beside All’h the Creator, the purpose is to remind us of the four identical symbols, used in science for introducing the four basic forces of Creation, the unique Power of Creation and the Creator of all Existence.

It is also most important for the honorable readers to realize that the Sign “,” stands also for “the Law and Order/Composition of the Nature” of our world (as well as all other universes). E.g., “All’h Is Revengeful” = the law and order of nature of our world is revengeful, or we harvest, what we sow, we pay for our deeds. Al-R(a)hïm “the Merciful (to all)” is also a Quality-Name of the Creator All’h, as Al-R’hm’n, with the same root word of  “رحم” (Rahm)Mercy.” Both Quality-Names (in six letters) stand for the Mercy and Beneficence of the Creator, but there is a difference between the two. Al-R(a)hm(a)n indicates the Beneficence of God to our world and its people materially only, principally to the two entities of Man and jinn. (Refer to Al-FurQan Chapters 12-18.) Al-R’hïm indicates God’s Light of Mercy to all states of souls. That is, everything in High above heavens for angels, as present residents, and down on Earth to everyone, believer and non-believer (of Man and jinn), for wiping out of their sins (pollution) to allow the achievement of their life span on Earth (71:4). After the end of the world, it is Granted only to Believers, and eternally.

71:4 “He Forgives of your sins (Wipes out pollution off you) and Postponing (your death) until the due time of your life span. In fact, when the life span Given by All’h is accomplished, it cannot be postponed. If you only knew.”

Al-R’him, double-portioned Mercy

Al-R’hïm is the Quality of “Light upon Light” of the Spirit of the Lord, the Light of Faith, and the Everlasting energy. Believers, through Salat to God on Earth, get such Light (33:43), not only to insure themselves for their lifetime on Earth, but to provision such energy for the hereafter, enabling them to get close to the Source of Energy, the Lord (57:28).

33:43 “He it is who Connects onto you and His angels, to Bring you out of the darkness into the light. And He Is Merciful to the (Eternal) Believers.”

57:28 “O you who believe, fear All’h and believe in His Messenger, and He will Bestow upon you His double-advantaged Mercy, He will Provide for you a Light by which you “walk” (Guiding), Wiping/Forgiving (your sins/pollution), as Is Forgiving, Merciful (Al-R’hïm).”

In summary, Al-R’hïm is a double-portioned Mercy: God’s Pity, Compassion, Forgiveness to all in the world and eventually, after the world, only to believers in life hereafter.

Man’s soul is mischievous by nature

12:53 “And I do not absolve myself (of blame), the (Man) soul is inciting to evil, unless my Lord do Bestow His Mercy/رحم, in fact my Lord Is Forgiver, the Merciful/الرحیم.”

Unless Man’s animal nature is bridled through the Spirit, it will overcome his humanity, falling back to his animal nature, leading him to commit sins, producing pollution in his inner and outer environments. Naturally, the consequences of the accumulation of pollution are gradual spoilage and corruption of Man’s threefold world (the world of cell, body and outside). If it were not for the Act of God’s Mercy and Forgiving, that Wipes out some of the dirt/pollution of his sins, Man would soon perish in the malignity of his spoiled environment, before achieving his life span.

23:71 “If the reality was in accord with their desires, indeed the heavens and the Earth and all beings therein would have been spoiled, and yet We have Sent them their Reminder, but then they turn away from their Reminder.”

Today scientists describe our world as “A miscellany of energy provided by its inhabitants.” To simplify this description, they have compared our world to “A Symphony, the notes of which are the inhabitants.” Such a scientific statement was provided in the Qur’an, 14 centuries ago.

66:6 “O you who believe, save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which (are appointed) angels harsh, severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from All’h, and they do (precisely) as they are Commanded.”

Man is the provider of his planet’s energy

According to science, Man is the provider of his planet’s energy (which confirms precisely the words of the Qur’an), and hence every deed, word and thought of his is responsible for the good and bad situation of his (inner and outer) world. It becomes quite evident that the atmosphere surrounding us today is actually created by our own hands and deeds plus what is forwarded by Man from the past (3:182, 30:41).

3:182 “This is due to (the unrighteous deeds) that your hands sent on before you, for All’h never Harms those who serve Him.”

30:41 “Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea due to what the hands of people have earned, that may be given to them a taste of some of their deeds, in order that they may return (to God’s Admonition).”

The highly polluted and nearly complete atmospheric disorder in our inner and outer worlds today are the result of violations of the Law of forces of Nature//God. It is urgent for each and every one of us to repent/return, asking forgiveness of the Merciful/Al-R’hïm and amend our ways, to become worthy and receptive of His Mercy, and to try to make up for this great injustice toward ourselves and others.

God’s Mercy available to everyone

One of the most important facts to know about the Benediction, Blessing, Mercy or any divine Favor from God Almighty is that it is available to everyone. As one of the forces of nature in the world is Electromagnetism, we must become receptive magnetically, to bring upon ourselves the Blessings and Mercy of God. The more we provision the Energy of God through faith, exercising and following His Commandments, the more receptive and magnetic we become to His Mercy. God Is Just, and not an iota of injustice is done to anyone.

Free choice

The Covenant between God and Man has been on the basis of free choice. It is completely up to us to make ourselves receptive to the Mercy of God/ or to the Wrath of God//forces of Nature. As indicated previously, the words of redemption, Taught to Adam, are coded words in Arabic. The reason for my repeating Al-R’hïm or Al-Rahm(a)n (in Arabic) in this text is to acquaint you with their pronunciation. As we know today, sounds, and code words, can open barriers. It is also important to be conscious of the fact that no soul can amend another. One is only responsible for his own amendment (6:164).

6:164 “Say, ‘Shall I seek other than All’h/ as a Lord, when He Is the Lord of all things? No soul earns except, from his own deeds, and no bearer of burdens bears the burden of another. Ultimately you return to your Lord, He then Informs you regarding your disputes.’”

The vital point of all this is that the foundation of Man’s inner and outer worlds has been under the command of his brain and power of intellect (see below). Therefore, unless a person voluntarily amends his ways, he is not beneficial to himself and his environment, nor to anyone else, and if he does not choose to amend his ways, surely, he chooses the path to gradual destruction, thus betraying himself. Today we have come to realize the outcome of our actions and deeds in the form of pollution and incurable diseases. Al-R’hïm Is Ringing the Warning Bell and Showing us the remedy and the way to save ourselves from all the calamities of our time. “He who follows the Religion of “All’h” purely, wholeheartedly, sound and free of flaw (of idol worship), thus enters the zone of the Mercy of the Great Lord, rejoicing in the Security and Beneficence of health” (26:88-93).

26:88 “The Day whereon neither wealth nor children will avail;”

:89 “Except he that comes to All’h/ with a sound heart.”

:90 “The Garden will be brought near for the righteous;”

:91 “And the fire will be placed in full view for those straying in evil;”

:92 “And it will be said to them, ‘Where are those whom you worshiped?’”

:93 “Besides All’h/? Can they help you or help themselves?”

The Cancer of the inner and outer worlds of Man

When ﷲ “All’h” Placed the succession of the world into Man’s hands.

2:30 “And when your Lord Said to the angels, ‘I Am Placing a vicegerent/successor on Earth.’”

That consisted of governing over his inner world of body, as well as the outer world (the Earth, skies, mountains), all of which were to be under the command of his intellectual power. That was only because God Blew of His Spirit into him, Giving him power of intellect and ability of distinction for the right and wrong. He made the decision by himself (and he was promoted to humankind, with ability of intellect and the right of free choice of action). Such power was in fact to tame and harness the wild animal side of his nature.

33:72 “We did in fact Offer “the Trust” to the Heavens, the Earth and the Mountains, but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof, and Man undertook it, whereas tyrannous, ignoramus (by nature).”

Man, when he volunteered to carry the Spirit as a Trust, surely became well aware of the conditions, bearing dangers and risks. He knew that there was only one way to keep and enhance the Energy of such Mercy in his worlds (inner and outer) and that is in following only the Spirit’s Rules/Religion. Under this Condition for the Spirit, he made the Covenant with the Lord (not to worship, nor bring nor associate, anyone or anything, instead of All’h the Creator or for His Word). Furthermore (as mentioned before) the world to which Confided the custody to Man, was a pure healthy paradisiacal Garden, complete and in the best conditions. For example, Time was complete and flawless, having four consecutive, complete seasons, each starting at a certain time and ending at a certain time. The Earth and soil that God Gave to Man, was pure and fertile, to be cultivated in a timely manner, the sky with timely and sufficient showers, and sufficient amount of food for the Earth’s creatures. People were in perfect shape, healthy and lived long (e.g., Noah, who lived 950 years. 29:14). All such Beneficence and convenience, in complete purity and abundance, were confided to Man. He was Warned all about satan, and the dangers of following his way, that would lead to his annihilation, even causing genetic changes in God’s Creation (see below 4:119).

The work of satan

The one responsible for the deficient nature and imperfect disposition of the world today is not   “All’h”. Hunger and drought, poverty, diseases, physical or mental handicaps, pollution of the air, soil and water, threatening all living things, are not from God. The whole thing we are suffering from is the result of turning away from the Creator’s Advice and Commandments, and deviating into the fatal way of idol worship, such as:

–        Following mankind’s ways and religion instead

–        Associating words with the Word of God (as human narrations)

–        Following them as the source of the Religion

By following other than God’s Way, instead of charging the Energy of our Capital (Spirit), we exhausted the Light in ourselves and the environment, accumulating pollution and diseases, despite all God’s Warnings. See below how following satan’s way, that is any other way than God’s Way, would eventually interfere with the nature of God’s Creation (4:119).

4:119 “And I will mislead them and I will create in them false desires, I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and to deface the nature of All’h’s Creation. Whoever forsaking All’h, has taken satan as friend and surely suffers a loss that is manifest.”

Today, by the start of Day of the Religion, clarifying and bringing out the truth and Reality of the Religion from the darkness of the night, Man will eventually be facing up to the results of his belief, action, thoughts and words during his lifetime. In fact, we are at the Daybreak of reckoning and harvest. The work of satan consisted of emptying Man’s brain, mind and consciousness, of the thought of /All’h, by occupying and diverting his attention to any other things in life. We can say this is well achieved today, regarding the state of our world. Ironically, one of the best tricks of satan is to make people believe that he does not exist. Or that the Religion is only for simple-minded people. Actually, there are so many people today who think “You don’t need to have faith or any religion or being conscious and thinking of All’h. As long as one minds his own business, living in harmony, doing no harm by violating others’ rights, not stealing or killing, good actions, good thoughts, good words are enough and there is nothing to worry about.” But this is not quite right. And be aware of the danger.

If the mind is void of the thought of the Creator, even if the person is a good person and not harmful to others, still he is not on the right way of health (body and mind). As mentioned previously, the system for health and well-being of jinn and Man has been Based upon worshipping or serving or following the Rules of the Creator, which is the one and only way to charge and provision the Energy of the Spirit (51:56).

51:56 “I have not Created the jinn and Man but (under the system) of worshipping Me (following, serving My Way).”

Keeping the thought of All’h in mind and following His Way

Only by keeping the thought of All’h, and following His Way, does the Energy of the Spirit increase/charge in Man, strengthening his immune system during his lifetime on Earth. After death, only such accumulated Energy permits one to get near the Source of Energy, the Great Lord. Since other thoughts in mind can be considered as outsiders’ invasions, if the cells are distracted by them, as much as not being attentive and observant to the brain’s commands, the immune system is defeated. These outsiders will gradually transform the peace of mind to depression and madness, unbalancing the order of Nature of the (threefold) world. Today, our world is suffering the madness of such disorder.

Unbalancing the order of Nature

Consider the order of seasons. No season starts at the right time, nor completes its natural timespan. The Earth and the sky, like cancerous cells, are completely out of order and undisciplined. They do not start and stop at the right time, resulting in great damage. The mountains, losing their calm, do not control their inner fire. The winds and the seas are without restraint of their violence. Inside our body, it is exactly the same. The cause of cancer, scientifically is the rebellion of the cells due to outsiders’ invasion, causing disorder in the system of reception of the command signals of the brain to the cells. I would like to bring to your attention some of the medical discoveries in the field of cancer and the behavior of cancerous cells, for more clarification. Cancer is the story of a cell that has disobeyed/missed brain’s command to kill itself (2:54).

2:54 “And when Moses said to his people, ‘O my people, you have in fact wronged yourselves/ (wronged your cells) in taking the calf into devotion, so turn back to your Maker and kill your (rebellious) selves/cells, that will be better for you in the Sight of your Maker.’ He then Accepted your repentance, that in fact He Is the Oft-Returning, the Merciful.”

As you can see, in this verse All’h Refers to Himself as “Maker/Designer/Initiator,” meaning “One who initially Made you, Knows all about your system of Creation for well-being and health,” and “that will be better for you in the Sight of your Maker” means “It certainly is better for you, in view of the way your Maker has Designed you.” To kill one’s own cell at the right time, before its straying/deviating to cause tumorous cancer is only possible through a strong system of communication between the brain, that is the commander, and the cells, the submitters. This goes not only for the cells. But it is the initial discipline and order that the Maker has Set the base of the Creation system upon a strong, pure and clear belief and submission to the Commander/, the Brain.

The systems of the human body and soul, and those of all other creatures, function by serving or following the right Way of the Maker of the Rule (51:56 above). The body of an adult person consists of 37.2 trillion cells, 50-70 billions of which must die daily to prevent decay (2:251). Let us not forget that the threefold world of Man (the cell, body and outer world) is one and functions under exactly the same system.

2:251 “By /All’h’s Will they dispersed them, and David killed Goliath and /All’h Gave him kingdom and wisdom and Taught him what He Willed. And did not /All’h Evacuate some people by some other, surely the Earth would spoil. But All’h Has the Power of the redundancy to the universal people.”

Since the constitution of each cell has been arranged for a certain length of time, its birth, reproduction and death, should be under the command of the brain.

Respect and discipline

Respect and discipline, being the key words. Once the brain signal is received, the cell should obey and submit to fulfill the preservation of the natural order of health. Today, through Knowledge, we are informed that the interference and attack of foreign elements in the body and mind, such as stress and fear, cigarettes, alcohol, too much sun or chemicals, damage the field of reception, weaken the transmitting system and prevent a clear connection between the brain and cells. It is of vital importance that both, the transmitter and the receptor be disciplined. The transmitting signal should be strong and clear for the cells, and the cells be attentive and watchful to the guidance, in order to function on time. If the field of reception is damaged, if the brain is too occupied and diverted as to become unconscious and negligent to its mission, and if the cells be careless to the guidance and turn away from it, then the cell will miss the signal to kill itself, hence becoming lost and not knowing what to do, will start reproducing unduly, excessively, malignantly resulting in tumors.

We may conclude that the reason for cancer is the disobedience by the cells of the brain’s guidance.

27:80 “Truly you cannot make the dead to listen, nor can you cause the deaf to hear the call, when they have turned their back in retreat.”

27:81 “And you cannot guide the blind from their straying. You make hear, but those who believe in our verses, thus submitted.”

27:82 “And when the Word happens to them, We shall Bring out for them a creature from the Earth that speaks to them, in fact the people were not assured concerning Our Signs.”

The verse (82) has been discerned in Al-FurQan Chapter 18, but just as a reminder. “We shall Bring out for them a creature from the Earth that speaks to them,” is none but the Computer, a creature made on Earth. The mathematical coding Miracle of the Qur’an, that is one of the greatest Miracles of all times, was discovered through computer. People need a divine Miracle to be assured in their belief. The computer has declared, by the most irrefutable means ever, for the first time providing a material Proof of the Existence of God and the authenticity of His Word. This is the time when the Word happens. This is the Signal of God, the Brain for all of us, the people of the 21st century.

I hope, with the above explanations, to have been able to draw a parallel, indicating how costly people’s turning their back to the Creator’s Guidance has been.

All of His Commandments, including daily Salat, Zakat and Fasting, show us the Way to Sow the field, to cultivate the mind through repetitive words. They are a training session of exercises to improve and develop a strong system of belief for the brain and submission for the cells. They work out and strengthen the system of communication between the brain and the cells. Don’t turn away from them or ignore them. They are the best training to develop the wellbeing of a healthy physical and mental state. Belief, most certainly, is the only natural way to calm down the nervous system, reducing stress and fear.

The reason of my often repeating and insisting on the importance of bringing to your mind, the God Creator/ Alone, is that our whole health’s System is based on. Regarding the verse below, (12:106), today the majority of the believers in the world are idol worshipers, and yet they are convinced they are not, and that they worship God Alone. Today the majority of the believers are either associating with prophets, imams and saints or worshipping mankind instead. This actually is the cause of all our today’s mischief.

12:106 “And the majority of them do not believe in All’h without associating (others) with Him.”

Al-R’hïm and the cure for Cancer

With all the progress in Medicine, they have not yet been able to find a definite cure for cancer. Nevertheless, scientists have observed the great importance of faith and strong moral condition in fighting against cancer, and without coming right out for admitting it, they hint. The cure for cancer is not only by radio-therapy or chemotherapy and surgery, but also through perseverance, strong positive attitude and hope on the part of the patient.

The Qur’an’s description of cancer/disease

The Qur’an describes illness and disease, as a “battlefield, and the attack of the infidel (kafir), the not submitted and deviated cells/selves, over the submitted, healthy ones.” A Prescription for winning such a battle is also Stated: (2:249-250-251)

In the case of cancer, of course, the number of enemies or infidels are manifold, and the probability of defeat of the submitters is far greater, and indeed often a certainty. There is, however, an exception which is Stated in verses below, that in spite of the numerous enemies and extreme weakness of defense (immune system), the submitters have won the battle through strong belief in /All’h, perseverance, patience and abstention. Abstention is fasting, and today they have found out that fasting cures the cancer.

2:249 “Then Talut (Saul) set out with the forces (armies), he said, ‘In fact, /All’h will Test you with a river. Whoever drinks from it, he is not of me, and whoever tastes it not, he is surely of me, a mere sip out of the hand, is excused.’ But they all drank of it, except a few between them. So as he crossed it, he and the faithful ones with him, they said, ‘No strength is left for us this day against Jalut (Goliath) and his forces.’ Those who were convinced that they would meet /All’h, said, ‘How often has a small group vanquished a numerous group, by /All’h’s Permission. And All’h Is with the steadfast.”

2:250 “And as they became manifest to Goliath and his forces, they said, ‘Our Lord, Pour out patience on us and Make our steps firm and Help us against infidel people (kafirin) (straying cells/selves).’”

If you pay attention, in the two verses above there are evident signs of collection of malignant water (infidel cells), and the necessity of strong will for resistance and abstention, to overcome the period of thirst, to overcome the period of harsh experiences, to win such a battle. The key words are in: “never giving up faith and hope in the Power of , having the certainty that everything is possible to overcome by His Will, and resistance in the long duration of hardship.” In (2:250), the words of prayer for such an occasion are Taught by God. As you know by now, the Qur’an is coded, and Its words are code words. Therefore, they should be pronounced in Arabic. Through strong faith, repentance or turning to /All’h, worshipping Him Alone (without invoking any imam, saints or prophets) and following medical guidance, the body will be cleansed. (Science is from God.) God Almighty has Stated in (2:54, mentioned above) the cause of cancer or the deviating cells is deviating from the Creator Way/Religion, and being immersed in materialism, in other words, idol worship”. This might seem very unlikely to many people, nowadays. But, if we look into it profoundly, the fact comes out shining.

The meaning of “idol” and “worship”

We should make sure of the right meaning of “idol” and “worship.”

 “Worship” is whatever engages and occupies the mind more than anything else, as much as forgetting and leaving no space for the thought of the Creator.

7:51 “Those who took their Religion to be mere amusement and playthings, and were deceived by the life of the world, thus that Day We shall Forget them, as they forgot their meeting of this Day, and were rejecting Our Signs.”

“Idol” is not necessarily to be in the form of a statue. It could be children, spouses (7:189,190), money and properties (18:42), Messengers, imams or saints (7:194).

7:189 “He Is the One who Created you from one single cell and Made from it, its mate, in order to be appeased by her. When he lies with her, she bears a light burden and carries it about, when it grows heavy, they both pray All’h, their Lord, ‘If You Give us a goodly child, we vow to be ever appreciative.’”

7:190 “But when He Gives them a goodly child, they bring associates for Him in what they received. But All’h Is Exalted, High above the partners they associate with Him.”

7:194 “In fact those whom you call upon besides All’h, are only servants like you. Then call upon them, and let them respond to you, if you are truthful.”

Anything that takes priority over the Creator or the Creator’s Commandments, becomes an idol. Once the thought of God Is wiped out of the mind and the intellect is overtaken by parasites, the conductive system of the brain gradually weakens to the point where the transmission and reception of commands are no longer timely.

The way to cure our diseases

The latest scientific discovery developed for combating cancer with the help of nanotechnology is the creation of a minute vessel, capable of traveling into the heart of cells, carrying the right message, to prevent the cell from straying, and drowning. And the extraordinary thing about it is that scientists call it the Messenger. Science is from God. This corroboration with the Word/the Qur’an justifies it. Al-R’hïm Accepts our repentance and Shows us the way to cure our diseases. He Brings us Signs-through science-Guiding us to follow and obey His Rules, in order to Purify us, through His Mercy and Compassion, from the fatal and destructive impurities of our inner and outer world, and to Give us a chance to save ourselves from our past errors and unjust governing over our world (27:62).

27:62 “Who Is the One who Responds to the call of the distressed one, and Cures his suffering and Makes you inheritors of the Earth? (Can there be) a god besides All’h? Little it is that you heed.”

Building a vessel

Al-R’hïm, by the Qur’an, Gives us the possibility to make a blueprint of building a vessel (discovery of nanotechnology, mentioned above), under His Guidance and Inspiration, to Save us from “drowning” (11:37-38) and to Prepare us to withstand the dangers of the destructive waves of our time. Let us not be afraid of the ridicule of others in executing His Commands (Salat, fasting, Zakat). For the consequences of the alternative are far more fearsome.

11:37 “And construct a Vessel under Our Eyes and Our Inspiration, and do not address Me for those oppressors, for they are about to be drowned.”

11:38 “And while constructing the Vessel, being ridiculed by all ‘big shots’ of his people, he said, ‘If you ridicule us now, then we will ridicule you all likewise.’”

The first Instruction for the construction of the Vessel is to have repentance and belief in the Creator//All’h Alone and devotion to the Religion with all acts of devotion to Him Alone, without naming or invoking anyone else besides Him or with Him.

The second Instruction is to keep regularity in the 5 times daily Salat, payment of monthly Zakat (2½ % of the monthly pure benefit), steadfastness in fasting during the month of Ramadan each year and, once in a lifetime, the pilgrimage to Mecca, the Hadj (once freed from shirk/associating). Nowadays, in the Sacred Mosque (Mecca), you hear the name of Prophet more and louder than the Name of God. This is Shirk or idol worship. Being free of shirk is when no other name with God’s Name is pronounced, be it in the Mosque or any other place in the world.

The third Instruction is Reading the Qur’anFurQan (the discernment of the Qur’an) that brings the comprehension and knowledge of the Second Opening of the Qur’an, that is following God’s Commandments through science and Knowledge of our time.

The fourth instruction is, of course, Remembrance of All’h, and not letting a day pass without the thought of All’h, especially keeping the shape “” in mind.

No need to emphasize that all the above is only effective if the oppression of any kind, trespassing the rights, and doing wrong to oneself and others are wiped out of our new conduct after our repentance. All those who turn away from the Guidance, will not benefit from the Security of the Saving Vessel, they should be aware of the danger of Drowning.

Here is where the discerning of “Bsm All’h, Al-R’hm’n, Al-R’hïm” comes to an end, thanks to Almighty Lord, I find it necessary to suggest to honorable readers, to refer to The Conclusion of the 19 chapters of the FurQan, reminding them of the essential points of the FurQan, the 2nd Opening of the Qur’an on the 15th (lunar) century, for us, the people of the 21st century.

And Praise be ﷲ All’h, the Lord of the universal people.


Conclusion of the 19 Chapters of the FurQan

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