6. The scientific definition of the creator of universe, identical to the Definition of All’h the Creator in the Qur’an

بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحیم

The scientific definition of the creator of universe, identical to the Definition of All’h the Creator in the Qur’an

The most important discovery of science, during the 19th and 20th centuries, was the four fundamental forces, forming a unique, unlimited Power, being creator of every molecule of Existence, and the shaper of our world and its inhabitants, and the source of every other force in Existence.

The Four basic forces, the Unlimited Power

  1. Gravity
  2. Strong nuclear force
  3. Weak nuclear force
  4. Electromagnetic force

Here I call your full attention to the details of science about the characteristics of these forces (marked as Sc); then under, verses of the Qur’an concerning the Creator and Shaper of universes (marked as Q). I promise, you will have an electrifying sensation, and feel overwhelming amazement.

(Sc) Gravity was the first force to be discovered by Man. This force is separate from the three other forces. Its symbol in physics is a straight line drawn from up downward (ا). The three other forces interrelating and emerging from one another, two of them of the same root, all three are related through strong and weak interactions, symbolically shown as big Wave and small wave: (W) — (w).

Electromagnetic force, which its symbol is (c).

(Q) The word/Name “ ‘All(a)h’” in the Qur’an (the correct spelling is All’h), consists of four letters, as the (a) is not a letter, but just a sound (‘). Four letters, plus an orthographic mark of emphasis (w) over the two: (ل ل “LL” ) This mark usually denotes the repetition of a letter. But the (L) in “All’h” is already repeated. It only means to show extra force and intensity.

  • The first letter ‘A’ in Arabic (alif) is a vertical line drawn straight from up, downward: (ا).
  • The two letters (L), called “lâm,” “ل ل” being of the same root, and when attached, look like “W(with round angles).
  • The mark of emphasis (w), which looks exactly like a small “w”.
  • And the last letter (ه “ha”) when attached to a letter, has the shape of a semi-circle (c)

(Sc) The four fundamental forces have brought all the particles of life into existence. These forces, forming a unique Power, first created a set amount of molecules, then gave them shape and form. They are the source of every other force in universe.

(Q) “All’h” the Creator of everything/every molecule/particle,

59:24 “He Is All’h, the Creator, the Designer, the Sculptor, to Him belong all names of goodness (beauties), Glorifying Him is everything in the heavens and Earth, and He Is the Almighty, the Wise.”

(Q) “All’h” The Shaper of everything

35:1 “The Praise belongs to All’h, Shaper of the heavens and the Earth, He Appointed the angels as messengers, commanding wings be, two and three and four, He Adds to the Creation as He Wishes, in fact All’h has Power over all things.”

(Q) , the Invisible Pillars of the structure of Universe

Each letter, as a pillar of force, forms one of the four invisible pillars of the Power of structure of the heavens and the Earth.

13:2 “All’h Is the One (Power) that Raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, then (the forces) Established on the Throne, and Subjugated the Sun and the Moon, each one running for a term appointed. He Regulates all affairs, Explains the verses in detail that you may be certain of meeting your Lord”

(Q) All’h the Intensive forces

53:5 “The Intensive forces Instructed him,”

(Q) All forces are from All’h

2:165 “Certain people take (for worship) others besides as equal, loving them as loving All’h, but those who believed, their utmost love is for All’h. If only those who transgressed could see (themselves) when they would face the retribution. In fact the force is totally of , and All’h’s Retribution is Intense.”

(Q) All’h Having Power over everything/every particle

65:12 “ Is the One who Created seven firmaments and of the Earth, likewise, the Command descends through the midst of them that you may know that Has Power over all things, and that All’h’s Knowledge Surrounds every particle/thing.”

(Sc) The forces have each molecule of particle under control and know about every molecule. No molecule is either lost or vanished within these forces.

4:86 “When a (courteous) greeting is offered you, return the greeting more courteously or equally, truly All’h Has the count of every particle/thing.”

(Q) All’h Safeguards every particle.

34:21 “And he (satan) had no authority over them, except for Us to Make known who believed in the hereafter and who is in doubt about it, and your Lord Is a Guardian over every particle.”

(Q) All’h Surrounds (Encompasses) all particles.

65:12 “ Is the One who Created seven firmaments and of the Earth, likewise, the Command descends through the midst of them that you may know that Has Power over all things, and that All’h’s Knowledge Surrounds every particle/thing.”

4:126 “And to Belongs whatever in the heavens and whatever in the Earth, and Encompasses all things.”

(Sc) The rights of every molecule are kept safe in this Power. Regarding the molecule, science has only recently discovered things smaller than the atom. Splitting the atom found electrons, protons, neutrons and quarks; and who knows, maybe even smaller, in future discoveries.

(Q) All’h Defender over all things/particles.

6:102 “Such Is All’h your Lord, there is no god but He, the Creator of all things/particles, then you worship Him, and He Is Defender over (the rights of) everything/every particle.”

(Q) Not an atom or smaller (quark) are hidden from on the Earth, nor in heavens.

10:61 “In whatever rank (business) you might be, and whatever portion of the Qur’an you recite, and whatever deed you may be doing, We are Witness thereof when you are deeply engrossed therein, nor is hidden from your Lord (as much as) the weight of an atom on the Earth or in Heaven, not smaller than this and not greater, but being clearly recorded in a Book.”

(Q) All particles are at Sight in due proportion.

13:8 “ Knows what every female bears, and what the wombs diminish, and what exceed, and all particles at His Sight are in proportion.”

(Q) Has the account of all particles.

4:86 “When a (courteous) greeting is offered you, return the greeting more courteously or equally, truly All’h Has the count of every particle/thing.”

(Q) Witnessing every particle.

85:9 “Him to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the Earth, and Is Witness to all things/particles.”

(Q) All’h Is Cognizant of every thing.

2:231 “And know that Is Cognizant of all things.”

Comparing the Signs of the Creator of the Qur’an, detailed 14 centuries ago, with the characteristics of the creator, is overwhelming as to what extent they are identical. There can be no doubt that the root of Knowledge of both science and the Book is the same, and All’h Is the Creator of our Universe, and all other universes above it. In fact, science and the Book are serving the Creator. Under the guidance and supervision of Time, the three of them are the Missionaries/Messengers charged to guide the people of our time toward the only unique God Creator.

“Creator” and “Shaper”

Some extra information on the two words “Creator” and “Shaper” that has been neglected in the translations of the Qur’an:

  • الخالق (Al-Khaligh) “The Creator”
  • فاطر (Fatir) “Shaper”

(Sc) The forces have created everything in the form of infinitely small particles, then gave them shape and form.

(Q) The Glorious Qur’an, the last celestial Book, and one whose superhuman Source is now proved through mathematical coding, presents the word/Name “All’h” as the Sole Creator of all things/objects/particles; and Fatirفاطر/ Shaper or Former of heavens, Earth, etc.

59:24 “He Is All’h, the Creator, the Designer, the Sculptor, to Him belong all names of goodness (beauties), Glorifying Him is everything in the heavens and Earth, and He Is the Almighty, the Wise.”

42:11 “Shaper of the heavens and the Earth, He has Made for you pairs from among yourselves and pairs among livestock, in this way He Multiplies you, no other thing being like Him, He Is the Hearer, the Seer (of every particle/thing).”

In the translations of the Qur’an so far, they have rendered the two words “al-Khaligh” and “fatir” as “the Creator” and “shaper,” as the same word with the same meaning. But nowhere in the whole space of the Qur’an do you find two different words with exactly the same meaning. See the reason given below, in accord with the Pauli exclusion principle.

Wolfgang Pauli, the Austrian theoretical physicist and 1945 Nobel laureate, elaborated the quantum theory of nuclear magnetism and the existence of neutrons. The Pauli exclusion principle states that no two identical particles can simultaneously occupy the same state within a system. Through science (God be Praised), we can distinguish between these two words today. We should note that the word Al-Khaliq, meaning “the Sole Creator,” is specified by the prefix ال  (Al) “the” in the Qur’an, and Fatir has no prefix and is not specified, why? This by itself makes it clear that the two words do not mean exactly the same thing. The reason is, Creation is only specified to God, and nobody creates, but Him.

But “shaper (fatir),” that is he who gives shape, form or character is a possibility given to Man on Earth. Today people can give shape or form by manipulating molecular combinations, that are God’s Creation. Man cannot create anything; but he can only form them into various shapes. The point to consider is that the two words do not appear in the same context within the Qur’an. The word “Creator/Khaligh” precedes the word “things/particles” (He Created every particle). And “shaper/fatir” never precedes the word “particles/things” but only what already is into shape and form, like heavens, Earth, Man and angels.

35:1 “The Praise belongs to All’h, Shaper of the heavens and the Earth, He Appointed the angels as messengers, commanding wings be, two and three and four, He Adds to the Creation as He Wishes, in fact All’h Has Power over all things.”

This also proves that only through science today can we discern such a distinction between the two words “Khaligh” and “fatir.” All’h Creates everything, and nothing is hidden from the Lord, be it the weight of an atom or smaller than an atom.

10:61 “… and it is not hidden from your Lord the weight of an atom on the Earth nor in the Heaven, and not smaller than this and not greater but being recorded in an evident Book.”

He then Shaped these particles into the form of Heaven, the Earth and all they contain.

17:51 “… so they say, ‘Who will bring us back?’ Say, ‘He who Formed you first time.’ Then they will wag their heads at you and say, ‘When will that be?’ Say, ‘May be quite soon.’”

Moreover, the verse above contains another evident Miracle, in conformance with science:

“…who will bring us back?’ Say, ‘He who Formed /Shaped you …”

As you notice in this verse the word “Shape” is used and not “Create”; this shows that after death, the particles of Existence stay to be formed again and they are not annihilated completely to be Created again. Due to science’ discovery, Nothing is annihilated from this world and the particles stay.

God Be Praised

7. All’h, the forces of the Creation

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