Salat/Connection 1
{:en} بسم ﷲ الر حمن الر حیم Salat Part I - One of the most important commandments in the Religion of the Creator - Salat, purifier of sins/pollution - Preventive of diseases and calamities - Cure for sadness and depression - Opener of binding ropes and problems in our lives - How to establish connection...
Part II: Establishing the Salat / the Human Side
{:en} Establishing the Salat / the Human Side Salat being only an Earthly duty is composed of six units (6/Hexagon is the shape and number by which anything concerning our physical and material world is represented.): Ablution/(Vothu) Tayamum (dry ablution: rubbing the hands and face with elevated dust or untrampled ground) Direction (Kibla) Words Action...
Part III: Establishing the Salat / the Creator’s Side
{:en} Establishing the Salat / the Creator’s Side As mentioned previously, the act of Connecting is two sided, and All’h through His Missionaries/angels, Connects to people 33:43 “He it is who Connects onto you and His angels, to Bring you out of the Darkness into Light, and He Is Merciful to the Believers.” For the...
Part IV: Salat, Purifier of Sins and Pollution
{:en} Salat, Purifier of Sins and Pollution - Purifier of sins and pollution - Preventive of diseases and calamities - Cure for sadness and opener of the captivating ties of problems in our lives Devoting the Religion purely to the Creator Alone However, the healing of Salat applies only by devoting the Religion purely and...