The Religion of the Creator All’h, and Day of the Religion

Faith keeps people Young and healthy, and extends the Span of Life

The Religion is the way, manner and institution of fundamental law of the forces of Creation of all universes and their inhabitants. The Lord of universal people has Based the construction of all existence under the same System/Religion (35:43).

35:43 “… No change will you find in All’h’s tradition (System of Creation) nor will you find any turning off in All’h’s tradition (System of God’s Guidance for His Creatures).”

From the system of an atom that consists of a complex arrangement of electrons revolving about a central nucleus, to the construction of the inner world of Man, the central nucleus being the heart, and the blood revolving about, and the revolution of the Earth about its central point, and the solar system, the revolution of the planets about the sun. All have been patterned after the same system, in other words, they are all under the same universal Law/Religion.

Likewise, the inner world of Man’s body is a maquette of the outside world. From rivers and streams as veins and arteries to seas and marshes, trees, herbs and grass, plains and deserts, mountains and hills, and four kinds of water, sweet, salty, bitter and thick, that are found in the ear, mouth, eyes and nose. Moreover, all the animals of the outside world that have been genetically part of the evolution of Man, are found in the inner world of Man’s character. Recently, science has determined that the substance of the water bag, the fluid-filled amnion surrounding the fetus is the same as sea water.

The Threefold world of mankind

The threefold world of mankind, the world of the cell, the inner world and the outer world, are One (Wahid / واحد = 19 the gematrical value of Wahid is 19) and the same. All of them being related, placed inside one another, are made of the same substance. Under the same Law and Religion, they represent One and unique Initiator and Creator (67:3).

67:3 “He who Created seven heavens one above another, you see no difference in the Creation of Al-R’hm’n (the Merciful to two) so turn your vision again: do you see any flaw?”

5:32 “On that account, We Decreed for the children of Israel that if anyone murders anyone, unless it be for a crime or spreading mischief in the land, it would be as if he murdered the whole people …”

I repeat all our world, the world of the cell, the world of the body and the outer world, are One world and all things are related to one another. (Recently science has discovered the relativity of everything through the string theory/M theory.) Perhaps the world being three in one has been the source of confusion for Christianity with its wrong idea of the Trinity, believing God, Jesus and the divine Spirit could be one and the same. Otherwise in this area of knowledge when everyone is aware of matter and energy and that the two substances cannot possibly approach one another and God Being all Light and Energy, how could one possibly think and believe that God, all Light, Could Be Covered by some pieces of skin and bones and Come to Earth? How could they continue to believe in Trinity?

4:171 “O people of the Book, do not exaggerate in your religion and do not say of / All’h but the truth. In fact, Christ Jesus, the son of Mary was a Messenger of God and His word, which He Bestowed on Mary and a Spirit of Him, thus, believe in All’h and His Messengers, and say not Trinity, stop it. This will be better for you. For , Being One God, Glory to Him, Is above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and all things on the Earth, and enough Is All’h as a Defender.”

And here is Confirmation from the Lord that the energy and matter cannot be approached.

7:143 “… ‘O my Lord, Show (Yourself) to me that I may look upon You.’ He Said, ‘You cannot see Me. But look upon that mountain if it could stay firm in its place, so you might see Me.’ Then when the Lord Manifested Himself to the mountain, He Rendered it as dust, and Moses fell down fainting. When he recovered his senses, he said, ‘Glory be to You. To You I turn in repentance, and I am the first of the (eternal) Believers.’”

Why Jesus cannot be God or the son of God

And for this, some questions are imposing:

–        Do we believe that God would Lie to one of His Messengers?

–        Then why does God Deny Himself to Moses, if He has Appeared through Jesus to so many other people on Earth?

–        Why then did not God Show Himself also to Moses in Jesus’s body and Avoid this unnecessary confusion for more than one billion Christians?

–        And if His Appearance to the mountain, caused the mountain to be reduced to dust, how could a body of flesh and blood endure such Energy?

–        And how on Earth did all the people (who saw Jesus) survive, when mountains could not?

This concludes the reasons “Why Jesus cannot be God or the son of God.” The reason is simply because he is not made of the same Substance.

Science and the Power of Creation

Today, through science, we can realize the extent of the superficiality of our Universe. We can realize the Greatness, Unlimited Power of Creation, and the extreme complexity and intricacy of Ruling over it. In fact, all human beings and their planet, all together, are but a Handful of molecules. It is easy to realize that only the Law and Religion of this Superpower Creator is the right Law and Religion (3:83).

3:83 “Do they seek other than Religion of ? Yet whatever in the heavens and the Earth, willing or unwilling, are submitted to Him, and to Him they all be brought back.”

Furthermore, science has clarified for everyone that the working system of the world – the threefold world of cell, body and outer world – is intricately Based and Ruled on a numerical, Specified Discipline. Any violation in their Rules/Religion will unbalance, and eventually cause the loss of all of them. This is a reality that we, ourselves are living today–the growing incidence of cancer and diseases, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and the unbalanced weather conditions and warming of the planet (55:7-8).

55:7 “And the Firmament has He Raised high and He has Set up the Balance,”

55:8 “In order, that you may not transgress the due balance.”

He has Created everything from infinitesimal particles (atoms and smaller 10:61), Forming them into their various shapes. We are no more than a handful of molecules surrendered, controlled and protected by these forces which make up the Infinite Power of Creation (39:67).

39:67 “No just estimate have they made of All’h, such as is due to Him. The whole of the Earth, on Day of the Resurrection, will be but a Handful of His, and the heavens will be rolled up in His right Hand. Glory to Him, High Is He, above the partners you attribute to Him.”

In this case, the following questions are pertinent:

–        If there is only One Creator and Knower for all the rules and regulations of Creation, Surrounding all the creatures, then how can there be various religions today in the world?

–        If none beside the Creator, has ever created even a fly in the whole Universe, then who is apt to constitute a Religion? Hence, how can there be any other religion but the “Religion of the Creator?”

No one has ever created a single thing, and yet we have so many different religions today (22:73).

22:73 “O people, here is a parable set for you, so listen to it. Those on whom you call beside All’h, they have not created a fly, and even if they all gathered for it. And if the fly should snatch anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly, feeble are the seeker and the sought.”

Those on whom we call today, beside All’h the Creator, such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, saints and imams, have not created anything to own and name a religion after it. Science today informs us that the Religion/universal Law only belongs to the Creator and cannot be named but after Him.

1:4 “Lord (Proprietor/Possessor/Master) of Day (era) of the Religion”

Ever since the beginning of the world, the Guidance concerning the Religion of the Creator has been the same for all people of the world (42:13).

42:13 “The same Religion He has Established for you as that which He Enjoined on Noah, that which He has Sent by Inspiration to you, and that which We Enjoined on Abraham and Moses and Jesus: that you should up-rise the Religion and make no divisions therein. Hard is for those making partners (for God), (the way) to which you call them. All’h Chooses toward Him who He Wants, and Guides toward Him who he turns (to Him).”

God has Warned against dividing or bringing changes into the Religion. Each Prophet has equally warned people against it.

6:159 “As for those who divide their Religion and break up into sects, you have nothing to do with them. In fact, their affair is with All’h, and then He will Inform them of what they were doing.”

Nevertheless, people started idolizing their prophets after their deaths, named their religions after them, exaggerated their human powers, followed Man’s written narrations and customs of their prophets as the source of their religions, and as a result have various religions today instead of the Religion of the Creator (23:51-53).

23:51 “O you Messengers. Eat of the pure (healthy) things and work righteousness, for I Am Well-Aware of what you do.”

If all Messengers ate, then they were all in need of the food, and thus they were all only human.

23:52 “And verily this is your (religious) community, a unique community, and I Am your (only) Lord, therefore be aware of Me.”

23:53 “But they have cut off their affair in (different) books (sects), each party rejoicing in that which was with them.”

The Creator Is the One and only Creator of all things/particles. Naturally, everything is Based and Ruled under His own and unique System, namely the formation of human corporeality, which is programmed and based on the system of worshipping the Creator Alone (51:56-58).

51:56 “I have not Created the jinn and Man but (basically) to worship Me,”

51:57 “Not that I Want them to feed Me.”

51:58 “For, All’h Is the Provider of Perpetual force.”

And this Command (51:56) does not mean that He Needs feeding (His ego) from humankind (51:57) He Has no need, He Is “the Provider of Perpetual Energy.” (51:58). The human system for health Is programmed under His Name only and rejects all other names. Obviously, being the Creator, He Knows Best the System of His Creation, and He Is Aware of the needs of His creatures. In other words, mankind must follow the current system of regulations, under which his Creator essentially and basically has Constructed him, as stated in 51:56 above, that is worshipping (faithfulness, obedience, serving, invoking) his One and only Creator and Maker, by following only His Commandments and Religious Rules. The first Commandment of the Religion is, “there is no other god but the God Creator.”

72:18 “And the places for worship (for prostration) are for All’h (Alone), then do not invoke with All’h, ANYONE.”

Invoking any other name beside the Creator is idol-worship and pollutes the system of body, mind and the environment of human nature (the result of which we can see in our inner and outer world today.) Worshipping the Creator Alone, and invoking Him Alone, without naming any other besides Him or with Him is the only Way for a member of the human race to benefit and feed his soul and corporeality, to lead a healthy life on Earth, and accumulate enough of the Spirit’s Energy for the hereafter. In fact, this is what Religion is about, the health of soul and body, the former preceding the latter (17:82).

17:82 “And We Send down of the Qur’an that Heals and Mercy for the believer, adding nothing but a loss for the unjust.”

What is unjust — and totally ridiculous — is to make simple mortal humans partners of the Creator and the Source of Perpetual Energy of all heavens and Earth and their populations.

6:160 “Whoever brings a good deed, will have tenfold like it, and whoever brings an evil deed shall only be recompensed like it, and they shall not be wronged.”

6:161 “Say, ‘As for me, my Lord Guided me to a straight Way, a firm Religion, way of Abraham, true faith, and (certainly) he was not of the maker of partners (for God).’”

6:162 “Say, ‘My ‘Salat’ (connecting) and my dedications, my life and death are for All’h, Lord of the universal people.’”

6:163 “No partner has He, and I am Commanded to this, and I am first of the (definite) submitters.”

6:164 “Say, ‘Shall I seek a Lord other than All’h, while He Is Lord of everything?’ No soul earns but against itself, and no bearer of burden bears the burden of another, then to your Lord is your return, so He will Inform you in that which you differed.’”

6:165 “And He it is who Made you successor of the Earth, and Exalted some in ranks above others, that He may Try you in what He has Given you. Surely, your Lord Is Quick in requiting, and He Is surely Forgiving, Merciful.”

48:28 “He it is who has Sent His Messenger with the Guidance and Religion of the Truth for prevailing over all the religions. And All’h Is enough as Witness.”

Day of Religion

As religion means general rules or universal law, and as there is only One Creator, there could not be any other religion but the Religion of the One and only Creator ) for all existence. As to the meaning of Day of the Religion, the word “Day” symbolizes light, clearing up and elucidation. Day of the Religion indicates a period of time that is illuminating, ending the night and darkness of ignorance of the Religion.

For at least the last twelve hundred years, people have been living the period of the Night of the Religion. We are in complete darkness concerning the Way and belief in God (35:20). Having different religions today and naming our religions after our prophets instead of our Creator is the best evidence that justifies the above statement. Some of us have taken a man Prophet for God and son of God, and some attribute superhuman power to our Prophet, as to pray and call them for favors, just as though they are still alive and can hear us thousands of years past their death or that they have any power to fulfill our wishes (35:22).

35:20 “Nor (are the same) the darkness and the light”

35:22 “And not the same are those alive and those dead, although All’h can Make any that He Wills to hear, but you cannot make hear those in the graves.”

If by such clear verses in the Qur’an as above, one billion Muslims today still invoke the Prophet and Imams, then what else could explain it other than being completely in darkness concerning the Commandment of God and His Religion, due to following other books (hadith and sonnat) than the Qur’an?

If we suppose that people have not seen these verses, then what about those who teach the Qur’an? Have they also not seen them? And if we have ignored or have simply not seen these verses during the past 14 centuries with the Qur’an in our hand, then that is undoubtedly clear evidence that the world is suffering from the complete darkness of the Night of the Religion. But Day of the Religion, that is enlightening by the sunrise of science, and the Knowledge of the Book is going to clarify all the obscure points on the Religion for all people of the world (61:9).

61:9 “It is He who has Sent His Messenger with the Guidance and the True Religion, to make It appear, rising over all other religion, even though the idol worshipers detest it.”

It is remarkable that the numbers of the above (61:9), concerning the True Religion and the verse (6:19) below, are of the same digits, as the sign of confirmation. The verse 6:19 concerns the Testimony (of Oneness) of All’h that must be declared to All’h Alone, and that any testimony to other than All’h or any being named with All’h is considered as shirk “associating idols with the Creator.” Hence, the True Religion consists of calling upon All’h Alone, without invoking anyone with Him.

6:19 “Say, ‘What is the highest testimony?’ Say, ‘All’h Is Witness between me and you. And this Qur’an has been Revealed to me that I may warn you and those whom It reaches by It. Do you bear your witness to All’h with other deities? I will not bear witness.’ Say, ‘In fact, He Is the One God, and I am innocent of that which you join with Him.’”

Today through science we know that the only source of Infinite Energy or Eternal life is the Power of the forces of Creation, the Creator, Surrounding all particles of Existence. If we call upon the Creator Alone, only and sincerely, without associating any other name, as in the Commandment below (40:65).

40:65 “He Is the Living, there is no other god but He. Then call upon Him, devoting sincerely the Religion to Him. All Praise (only) to All’h, Lord of the universal people.”

Only by following the right/True Religion will the particles of the body function correctly and move toward health and Energy. In this way only, the particles will run in the direction of the current of their basic system of Creation. This is due to the right Law/Religion under which they have been Programmed, Patterned and Disciplined.

The fact is that the Creation of Man and jinn, their health, has been Based on the system of serving the Creator. That means following His Way/Religion. This is the current and definite direction to flow smoothly and healthily. Any other way is running against the current or the nature, thus exhausting one’s resources (51:56).

51:56 “I have not Created the jinn and Man, but (under the system) of Worshipping (Obeying) Me.”

Today, thanks to Almighty God and His Messenger, science, that has brought (through mathematical coding and the physical symbols of the forces of Creation) irrefutable proofs, we are able at last to distinguish the right Religion, and our only Lord, distinguishing the truth from falsehood (2:256)

2:256 “There is no compulsion in the Religion. As (today) following the right Way stands out clear from being deceived. Whoever rejects evil and believes in , in fact has grasped to the Trustworthy Handhold that never breaks, and All’h Hears, Knows (all things).”

He who has faith in All’h, the Creator, never fears or despairs. And faith, relieving the anxiety, brings joy. The nervous system being in serenity and tranquility is the basis of good health, youth and long life. This is surely certified by science.

Whoever or whatever we call beside (All’h) the forces of Creation, or alongside of All’h, is not but an outside agent, parasite and superfluous, and only disturbs the discipline and order of Creation of our inner and outer worlds. As All’h Is the only Creator and Founder of the Religion, the functioning system of everything is under His Name Alone.

Day of Religion is the era when, from atom and infinitely small to infinitely Grand, the four forces of Creation, would be discerned and clarified through science. Day of Religion is the Time when the result of the deeds of Man in his inner world as well as outer world make day, becoming evident and manifest. It is the Time when science brings out the Reality that:

–        Lack of faith, obstinacy in what is forbidden by God and violating the limits

–        Deviation from the real Religion of by following man-made religions

–        Practicing the religion in following narrations and customs of prophets

–        Associating man-made law with the Law of the Creator

–        Devoting themselves to prophets, saints and imams, as much as forgetting to be thankful to God instead (which are the signs of our time)

These are the causes of people’s despair, fear and stress, that weakens the immunity system of the body against the uncountable diseases and pollution of our time (82:3-9).

82:3 “When the seas are suffered to burst forth;”

82:4 “And when the graves are turned upside down;”

82:5 “Each soul has knowledge of what he has forwarded and kept back.”

82:6 “O you mankind, what makes you haughty toward your Lord the (Infinitely) Generous?”

82:7 “Him who Created you, then Sorted you out, then Equilibrated you,”

82:8 “In whatever face He Wills He Composed you;”

82:9 “Nay, but you do reject the Religion.”

Moreover, the reasons specified above are the causes that connect to the fire kindled deep inside, which is the meaning of the word “jaheem” in the Qur’an, deriving from deep sorrows, unhappiness, stress and of diseases (82:14-15)

82:14 “And the debauchees in deep kindling fire,”

82:15 “That Day of the Religion will connect them to.”

And then their money, power, children or even science with all its forerunning would not be able to save them. Then and there, it becomes clear for human beings that the power and kingship of all things, the cure for anything is through Faith, and only by the Hand of God Alone (82:16-19)

82:16 “And they will not be absent therefrom.”

82:17 “And you do not realize what Day of the Religion is.”

82:18 “Again, you do not realize what Day of the Religion is”

82:19 “Day when nobody can help anybody, and it is when the Command Is only (the Command/Religion) of All’h”

Today, we the people are only at the daybreak of the light of Knowledge, and gradually getting clarity on the real meaning of Day of the Religion:

1.       We can now distinguish it from Day of the Resurrection which everybody, up to now, thought it meant the same, thus we still have time to turn to God

2.       And realize that the only True Religion has been the Command of God Creator, and no one can help anyone against the harm that we have done to ourselves and to our environment, but our Lord, the Only God

God Be Praised

Some Unknown Facts

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