Some Unknown Facts
One of the most important things to know about the Qur’an is that It has been planned and programmed on the same basis as planet Earth. The Almighty Creator Making planet Earth suitable for mankind to find all the necessities for physical life has Designed the Qur’an, a parallel Intellectual planet of Guidance for human and his mental/moral life during his lifetime on Earth. The System of God never changes, just as everything one needs materially is found on planet Earth, everything one needs intellectually/spiritually, one finds within the Qur’an Itself.
35:43 “… No change will you find in All’h’s Custom (System of Creation), no turning off will you find in All’h’s Custom (System of God’s Guidance for communities and people)”
And the Qur’an’s words/people are self-energizing units, exactly the same as of planet Earth.
2:24 “But if you cannot (produce even one surah like the Qur’an) which (surely) you cannot, then fear the fire whose fuel is men and stones, which is Prepared for the rejecters.”
The more you read and activate the Word/the Qur’an in your mind, in your inner world, the more these words produce Energy and Light of the Spirit in your inner world and environment, keeping you away from the fire.
24:35 “All’h Is the Light of the heavens and the Earth … though fire touch it not …”
The Qur’an’s vocabulary, rules and literature are specific to Itself, as the planet Earth is specific within the sphere. When you want an answer from the Qur’an, you must get it by its own channel, that is, inside the Qur’an itself. Any other way beside the Qur’an is only increasing the deviation. Therefore, the Qur’an is the Teacher.
The next and second most important thing to recognize about the Qur’an (never mentioned hitherto) is that It is made and programmed for two different eras and different generations. It has been programmed to Open twice, each time in accord with the knowledge of its time.
The first Opening lasted for 14 centuries until now. Today, at the start of the 15th century, we are the inheritors of the Qur’an, at Its second Opening. Such important facts have been fully detailed, certified by confirming verses of the Qur’an.
Now, let us acknowledge the following particular Rules of the Qur’an (that I can think of) for a better understanding of the Miraculous Word of the Almighty God, expanded in the following, and here is a summary of the subjects of which have been discussed:
- Some miraculous literary formulae and particular sets of specifications and jurisdiction in the Qur’an
- The miracle of the numbers
- Every digit has a meaning
- The miracle of the number of surahs and their inverted number: (A/B) x (B/A) = 1
- The reason for God’s Oath in some surahs
1. The miraculous literary formulae and particular sets of specifications and jurisdiction in the Qur’an
To avoid repetition, please refer to “Correspondence about Qur’an/letters to Mr Fazely and Kowsari,” concerning qualitative names/nouns of the Lord, and more miraculous formulae in the Qur’an.
One of the most important points when dissecting and closely studying the Qur’an is the noun-adjectives by which people are named or addressed. Explaining this previously overlooked aspect is somehow complicated in English, especially for those not familiar with the Arabic Text of the Qur’an, nevertheless, God Willing, I will try.
The Books of the Almighty Lord, meant for two different eras, as the Torah and the Qur’an, consist of two kinds of verses, which are referred to as basic verses and metaphorical/simile verses.
3:7 “He Is the One who has Sent down to you the Book containing basic verses that are the ‘mother of the Book’, and others that are ‘metaphorical.’”
The status of mother remains the same, as children change, grow with time. Basic verses have clearly established meaning and metaphorical verses are allegorical, similes, resemblance, and comparison. The basic verses, being fundamentally the mother of the Book, have established meanings such that time and circumstances do not change their status. These include Commandments of:
- Worshipping God Alone
- Respecting the parents
- Prohibitions against violating others’ rights and trespassing one’s limits
- The ethics of moral standards and values
- The words of prayers
- Zakat “charity”
- Salat “connection, connecting”
- Fasting in Ramadan
- Pilgrimage of Hadj
In contrast, the allegorical/metaphorical verses have multiple meanings. They are used as similes and comparisons. Their significance is moreover evolutionary, and they are thus compatible with their time, urbanism, city life, civil law, evolving living conditions and customs. These verses are signaled by the way people are addressed in them, as found below.
Verses addressed to specified names, such as “Muhammad” and “Moses,” concern only the people at the time of the specified names, but they are allegorical to us, people living today.
The noun-adjective terminating in ون (oon) e.g., مؤمنون (Mo’menoon) “believers” and کافرون (kaferoon) “disbelievers,” indicates a temporary, actual, and evolutionary state of being, be it in this world or high above, thus concerning the current situation of actual living humans, jinn and angels. Therefore, not being a matter of definite situation, it can be changed with time, and concerning humans and jinn, till the end of their lives in this world. This category is under the law and jurisdiction of the country and place in which they live.
The noun-adjective terminating in ین (een), e.g., مؤمنین (Mo’meneen), کافرین (Kafereen) indicates a permanent, definitive, classified and unchangeable state, things that have already happened and been classified.
مومنین (Mo’meneen), کافرین (Kafereen), which refer to the categories of people classified under such lists in the hereafter life, as these categories of people have parted from this life in such state. Moreover, it indicates the events happened already, keeping their state until the end. But when we say, “I have sinned,” or “I have been unjust” (things already happened) the final Judgement is of course with God as to which category we would be classified in the hereafter life.
The noun-adjective الذین آمنو (al-lazina amenoo) “those who believed” indicates the people of any time (past, present, future). In this case, each are, have been or must be under the law and jurisdiction of their own time, place or countries of their residence, with respective customs and rituals. There is a difference between “al-lazina amenoo” mentioned above, and یا ایهل لذین آمنو (Ya ayyohal lazina amenoo) “O you who believe.” This Command Addresses people of the present time. And they must be under the actual law and jurisdiction of their places of residence and habitation.
The above Rules are some of the most important aspects of the Commandments, that have so far gone unnoticed, and they change the rules with time. Some of the most important examples of all being the verses concerning the law of retaliation that is the subject of criticism today (4:59, 2:183, 2:178).
4:59 “O you who believe, obey All’h and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If you differ in anything among yourselves, refer to All’h and His Messenger if you do believe in All’h and the last Day. This is best and has a better consequence.”
The above verse shows that the Messenger (be it human or the Book) and those entrusted with authority are changeable with time and place, as current factors evolve. “Obey All’h and obey the Messenger,” the Messenger referred to in this verse is the Book/the Qur’an/the Word of All’h (that we must Obey). If we differ with those in charge, then referring to the Book always yields the best result.
2:183 “O you who believe, fasting is Prescribed for you as it was Prescribed for those before you. That you may (learn) self-restraint.”
Over time, the laws and rules of fasting have changed to accommodate the changing world. God has Made changes in fasting with time to adapt to the current situation.
2:178 “O you who believe, the law of retaliation is Prescribed for you in cases of murder: the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But if a remission is granted by the (aggrieved) brother, then follow any reasonable demand and compensate him with handsome gratitude. This is Mitigation from your Lord and Mercy. After that, if anyone exceeds the limits, they shall endure painful retribution.”
The laws of retaliation have changed over time, based on the current laws set forth by the governing bodies in the places we live. The retribution for murder is classified and handled under the jurisdiction, current laws and place of residency.
Never in the whole Qur’an will you find two different words meaning exactly the same, which is comparable to the principle of Paulian exclusivity. (Pauli, the Austrian physician and 1945 Nobel laureate, elaborated the quantum theory of nuclear magnetism and the existence of neutrons.) Paulian exclusivity states that whereby in essence of existence, no two identical particles can occupy the same space. We will now take a look at the various yet important words within the Qur’an, which have been translated the same, but have not exactly the same meanings.
The difference between ذی “Zi” and ذو “Zo”
An important point that has been neglected in translations of the Qur’an is the difference in the meaning of Zi and Zo, both indicating the quality of “Possession/ownership,” but with a difference.
Zi = an adjective indicating a natural and innate possession that exists on its own. It is an intangible property and has intrinsic value. Here are some examples:
– Zi hayat = “alive”
– Zi-l Gharnayn = “bifurcated, double branched”
– Zi-al Jalal wa-al Ikram = “His (nature) is Endowed with Majesty, Bounty and Honor.”
55:78 “Blessed be the Name of your Lord, Endowed with Majesty, Bounty and Honor.”
Zo = an adjective indicating possession, plus having authority over to dispense; endowed with the power of dispensing/mastering.
E.g., Zo Intégham = “Possessor of the authority of revenge, and to Distribute such authority to whom He Wants.”
Zo al Arsh = “Possessor of the Throne plus authority over it (of Governing, Commanding, Granting permission of authority).”
Zo al-Jalal wa al-Ikram = “Possessor of Majesty, Bounty and Honor, with the authority of Dispensing these qualities to whom He Wants.”
55:27 “But will abide (forever) the Face of your Lord, Possessor of the authority (of Granting) Majesty, Bounty and Honor.”
The two words for “great”: عظیم (Azeem) and کبیر (kabeer)
Azeem specifies the Greatness of God concerning this world. Whenever you come across this word, it concerns the Greatness of God on Earth and in this world. (e.g., Sobhana Rabbial Azeem “Glory be to my Lord the Azeem, Great in this world”).
Kabeer, A’la, Ta’ala specifies Grand, the Greatness of God concerning High above our Universe, the universes of the hereafter life (e.g., Sobhana Rabbial A’la “Glory be to my Lord the High above all”).
2. The miracle of numbers
In the year 1993 I realized the Miracle of mathematical coding found in the Qur’an was not limited to the count of the words and digits. Every rule in mathematics is respected in It. (Some years later, by God’s Will, Dr. A. Fazeli and Abdullah Arik found high mathematics in the Qur’an). (I am certain that the Rule of Mathematics in general has been respected in the Qur’an. I am sure those with great knowledge of mathematics will find awesome things in pursuing this line of research.) Here are some of the things concerning rules of mathematics, numbers of verses, meaning of digits, moreover, the reason and explanation for God’s Oath in some surahs, found in my years of research.
3. Every digit has a meaning
The number of the verse harmonizes and is in concordance with the words of the verse.
The digits’ meanings are as follows:
1 = Representative of God
2 = Second Opening/Knowledge of the Book/Word of God
3 = Confirmation
4 = Productivity, prosperity, fertility
5 = Completeness, perfection, strength in wisdom, knowledge, spirituality
6 = Hexagon, the sign of our material world/all the angles of anything in this world
7 = The heavens above
8 = God’s octagonal Throne
9 = Messenger of God
4. The miracle of the number of surahs and their inverted number (A/B) x (B/A) = 1
5. The reason for God’s Oath in some surahs
One of the things that always intrigued me is why should God Take an Oath? Then came the day I found out about the following, which is the Miracle of the number of surahs and their inverted number, when I realized the reason and meaning of these Oaths. As mentioned above, the Qur’an consists of two kinds of surahs: basic “and” metaphorical. So the metaphorical texts are the surahs beginning with “And” but have been translated by all translators as, “By”, giving it the aspect of “Oath”! Otherwise the word “Oath” has only been mentioned 8 times in the Qur’an in negation (I do not Swear…) 56:75; 69:38; 70:40; 75:1; 75:2; 81:15; 84:16; 90:1.
Swearing is a worldly and a mankind custom, in fact God does not Swear (does not Need to swear), if not for the sake of mankind, for Warning him as to the importance of the object of the Oath, being a matter of life and death for him. And the Oath is a simile and an allegory, specifically to the object of the Oath. The reason for the number of appearances of Oath being 8, 8 is the number of the pillars of the Throne of God in heaven (Octagonal 69:17) and on the Earth, the Qur’an. Indicating that His Oath is just as Firm and Trustworthy as His Throne!
The Miracle of the Digits in the Qur’an and the number of surahs, and their inverted number are truly awesome. For example, the formula in mathematics (A/B x B/A = 1) that when multiplied by the equation gives the number (1). Each surah corresponds to its inverted number of surah or in other words, they confirm one another.
During the last 30 years of studying the Qur’an, I realized that certain surahs confirm their inverted numbers, for instance surahs “19 and 91,” “18 and 81,” “17 and 71” and so on and so forth. It goes without saying that observing this point requires going through both surahs entirely. Here I mention the example of surahs “19 and 91”, which is the greatest.
Surah 19, Maryam
According to the statement above, here is the meaning of the two digits of number (19):
Number (1) = representing God
Number (9) = representing His Messenger
(God and His Messenger)
“19” = the structure of the “Word/the Qur’an”
The Qur’an = the Messenger of God
The Qur’an (19) = the intellectual Sun of the Earth
Surah 91 = the Sun = the light/lamp of the Earth
Through Maryam, the word/verb of All’h was Bestowed (3:45, 4:171) for the birth of Jesus (God Said “Be” and Jesus was), His Messenger, symbolizing the Miraculous event of the Birth of the verb of God on Earth.
Surah 91, Al-Shams “the Sun”
Surah 91 is a surah beginning with the word “And”, therefore it is a metaphorical surah. The subject of the Oath (the Sun) has an ambivalent meaning. The importance of the connection between surah 19 and surah 91 is to realize that this Shams “Sun” concerns the intellectual Sun/the Word/Messenger of God on Earth, considering that the Qur’an is compared to the Sun/lamp of the Earth, Light of Guidance. The important thing to notice in surah 91 is the disposition of verses that show an unusual movement for the physical Sun.
(91:1 “And (by) the Sun and its first rays,”
:2 “And the Moon as it follows it,”
:3 “And the Day as it illuminates it,”
:4 “And the Night as it conceals it.”)
A) Zoha “the first rays of the Sun,” are not followed by the Moon before the illumination of the Day.
B) Furthermore, how can the day illuminate the Sun or the Night conceal the Sun? Through these discrepancies in the normal pathway of the Sun, we realize that these verses are not discussing the usual passage of the physical Sun but are instead referring to the Intellectual Sun of the Earth, the Qur’an/the Word of God.
Now let us review these verses as the Intellectual Sun (the Qur’an) of the Earth:
1) And (by) the Sun and its first rays,
(And (by) the “Qur’an” at Its first rays of shining again after 1400 years by the Revelation of Its mathematical Miracle/Proof)
2) And the Moon as it follows it
(And the FurQan the intellectual Moon as it follows It)
3) And the Day that illuminates it
(And the Day of Knowledge and science as it illuminates It)
4) And the Night as it conceals it
(And only the Night/darkness of ignorance conceals It.)
The Night (a period of darkness, sleeping and inactivity) has concealed the Qur’an for more than 1200 years (Muslims following, practicing the hadith and sonnat/narrations and customs, instead). Now it is followed by the Day (a period) of illumination, enlightenment of Knowledge, clarifying the verses of the Qur’an, in this second Opening of the Book. The Qur’an and the FurQan are called the (intellectual) Sun and Moon of the Earth. Please refer to the following verses.
25:61 “Blessed Is He who Made Constellation in the sky and Placed therein a “Lamp and a luminous Moon.”
This verse is in surah Al-FurQan.
33:46 “And as one who invites to ﷲ by His Leave, and (to) a luminous Lamp.”
31:20 “Don’t you see that ﷲ has Subjected for you all in heavens and all on the Earth and Perfected on to you His Blessings, seen and unseen? And yet some people argue concerning ﷲ without Knowledge, without Guidance and without luminous Book.”
This has been a brief look at the Miracle of Numbers found within the Qur’an. More will be explained as we move forward through the following chapters. Study the Qur’an with the FurQan, and watch the miracle form as you decode each surah.
6. The Miracle of the Word confirmed by Science
The Qur’an made claims 1400 years ago that remain scientifically valid today.
All’h Says to mankind:
(41:53) “We will Show them Our signs in the universe and in their own selves until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur’an) is the truth …”
That means God will Give us evidence that will demonstrate that the Qur’an is the Truth and the Word of the Creator. New scientific discoveries will show that the Qur’an is right. There’s a myriad of recent scientific discoveries that confirm the verses of the Qur’an, written 1400 years ago. This proves that the Qur’an is Divine.
Here are some examples of science confirming the verses of the Qur’an and proving its veracity:
Creation of the Universe and the Earth. In (50:38) of the Qur’an, All’h Says that He Created the universe and everything in it in 6 days; days pertain to time in Heaven and not in the solar system. Also, in (41:9), All’h Says that He Created the Earth in 2 days. This means that the Earth was Created on days 5 and 6, after the universe was Created. 2 days of the Earth divided by 6 of the universe = 33.33% or 1/3. Furthermore, scientists calculate that the age of the Earth is 4.543 billion years since the Big Bang, rounding to 4.6 billion years. The age of the universe is 13.8 billion years. 4.6 divided by 13.8 equals exactly 1/3 of the age of the universe. The Qur’an mentioned this 1400 years ago and only now science confirms it.
The Sun
The Sun, a huge glowing sphere of hot gas, is 98% made of the chemical elements of hydrogen 70.6% and helium 27.4%. So the Sun’s main component Hydrogen, is in chemistry represented in the periodic table by the symbol “H” and in Arabic, it is the alphabet “ha”.
Surah 91 called “The Sun/ Al-Shams” has 15 verses ( Miracle of the Qur’an discovered in the 15th century) and all the verses in this surah end with the alphabet “ha”. This is the only surah in the entire Qur’an whose every verse ends with “ha”.
There are two Oceans that meet but don’t mix.
(55:19) “He Released the two seas (fresh and salt) meeting”
(55:20) “Yet between them there is a barrier they never cross”
There is a visible line at the border between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
(25:53) “He Is the One who Merges the two bodies of water one fresh and palatable and the other salty and bitter placing between them a barrier they cannot cross”
The clouds above our head are heavy. Some weigh more than 1 million pounds, according to recent scientific observations.
(13:12) “He Is the One who Shows you lightning, Inspiring you with hope and fear and Produces weighty ((thagheel/heavy/weighty/ponderous) clouds”
Lightning may be seen before thunder is heard.
God Mentions lightning (13:12) before the thunder (13:13). We see the lightning before we hear the thunder because light travels much faster than sound waves. It takes approximately 5 seconds for sound to travel one mile.
The atmosphere, with all of its gases, protects the Earth and the life that is present on it. If there were no protective layer, there would be no air to breathe and most water would evaporate into the vacuum of space. Life on Earth would cease to exist. The atmosphere also protects us from destructive cosmic and solar radiation. This was mentioned in
(21:32) “And We Made the sky a protected ceiling but they, from its Signs are turning away.”
Mountains are rooted in the Earth. All’h Says:
(78:6-7) “Have We not Made the earth a resting place?” — “And the mountains as stakes?”
As stated in this verse, the Qur’an declares the mountains as stakes 1400 years ago. In geophysicist Frank Press‘s book called “Earth” published in 1986, Press explains how mountains are like stakes buried deep within the Earth. For example, Mount Everest’s height is 9km above sea level and it is rooted deeper than 125km.
As people climb mountains or otherwise ascend in the atmosphere, their breathing becomes more constrained.
(6:125) “… He Makes his chest /breast constraint/ tight as if climbing/ascending to the sky …”
14 centuries ago, who could have known that as a person ascends gradually in the sky, oxygen decreases, leading to the feeling of chest tightness?
The Earth is not flat.
By the late 15th century, it was well known that Earth is not flat; rather, it is spherical in shape. The Qur’an mentions this fact in
(79:30) “And after He Spread the earth.”
The Earth is constantly shrinking. Guillaume Gronoff, a senior research scientist at NASA, confirmed that the earth is in a state of constant reduction. It reabsorbs itself from the continental borders and the poles. The cause of the shrinkage is the expulsion of tremendous amounts of material and energy in the form of gases, vapor, fluids and solid matter. These are expelled via volcanoes, in millions of tons continuously, leading to the shrinkage of the earth. Despite this being a very recent scientific discovery, there is nothing new in this. The Qur’an had announced it 1400 years ago:
(13:41) “Have they not seen that We gradually Reduce the land from its outlying borders or edges. And All’h Judges, there is none to put back His Judgement and He Is swift at reckoning.”
Iron was “sent down” as described in the Qur’an.
(57:25) “Iron was Sent down on earth”
We already know this planet contains a large amount of iron, a metal which is highly valuable and useful in our infrastructure and day-to-day life. Why does the Qur’an say: “We Sent down iron”? Wasn’t it already here on Earth? It’s interesting to note that the Qur’an could have described any metal, but It describes iron and specifically says that it is something that was “Sent down to earth,” not something that originated from within Earth’s core. We know the Qur’an was absolutely right, because in Oslo, new research has revealed that iron actually came down in iron nickel meteorites that hit Earth’s surface. These meteorites came from stars that burst from supernovas. This was mentioned in the Qur’an 1400 years ago.
Chapter 57 of the Qur’an is “The Iron.” There are 114 Chapters/Surahs in the Qur’an. Those of you who know about the Earth will know that the center of the Earth, right in the middle, that little ball is made up mostly of iron. At the time of Prophet Muhammad they did not have the technology and the means to know about what the center of the Earth is made of. And it wasn’t really relevant to them. But AlhamdolAll’h using modern day technology, we come to find out that the center of the Earth is made of “Iron.” Unlike the mineral rich crust and mantle, the core is made almost entirely of metal, specifically iron and nickel. (, September 27, 2022). You may be thinking, “What’s the miracle in this?” The Qur’an has 114 Surahs, 114:2= 57 that are right in the middle of the Qur’an. The structure of the Qur’an is the same as planet Earth. Here is the first proof of it.
All fruits imply the existence of male and female organs.
(13:3) “… of all fruits He Made in pairs, two and two …”
Fruit is the end product of the reproduction of a superior plant. The stage preceding fruit is the flower which has male and female organs or stamens and ovules. Once the pollen has been carried to the flower, they bear fruit which in turn matures and bears its seeds, facts that were mentioned in the Qur’an.
Fruits grow significantly faster at night.
(13:3) “… He Covers the night with the day …”
The absence of light actually stimulates plants to grow fastest at night.
Humans are created from a drop of fluid and the embryo goes through different stages of development. The Qur’an mentions this in (23:12-14). The modern science of Embryology has confirmed the accuracy of these statements.
DNA contains information to guide the development and functioning of an organism. The first cell which forms when the sperm and the egg unite, also includes the first version of the DNA molecule that carries the code that is copied into every cell in a person’s body, right up until death. All’h Says in:
(80:19) “From a sperm drop He Created him and Computed/ Reckoned/Carried to account him”
The word Khadera translates as to make as calculation (by means of a computer), programming or the writing of everything in destiny by All’h. Scientists provide different ways to describe the amount of information contained in DNA. Suppose that we write all that information in books and pile them up. The height that would reach is some 70 meters. If a person typed about 8 hours per day with a speed of 60 words per minute, it would take 50 years for them to type all that information. Manolis Kellis, a professor of computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the area of computational biology said: “The human epigenome manages the most compact, the most incredible compaction you could imagine. Every single one of our cells contains 2 meters worth of DNA and this is compacted in a radius which is 1000th of a millimeter. That is six orders of magnitude. If you put it all together, if you stretch the trillions of cells, we have about 30 trillion in our body. If you stretched the DNA the two meters worth of DNA every one of your trillion cells, you’d basically reach all the way to Jupiter, 100 times.”
Males determine the sex of their babies. In humans, females have two sex-determining X chromosomes; therefore, they can only contribute one X chromosome to an embryo. Males have X and Y chromosomes, so they can donate either one X (for a female) or one Y (for a male) to an embryo. This fact was noted in the early 1900s, but it was mentioned in the Qur’an, 1400 years ago in chapter 53, verse 45-46. All’h Says:
(53:45) “And He Created the pairs male and female”
(53:46) “From a sperm drop when it is emitted”
In this verse the word nutfa is used, meaning “sperm.” The Qur’an says that it is the sperm that determines whether the baby is male or female. Sperm comes only from males, so it is the male who determines the sex of the baby.
An embryo develops in distinct stages. Another Miracle of the Qur’an speaks about embryology:
(22:5) “Oh people, if you’re in doubt about the rising up (after death) (consider) that We Created you from dust, then from a sperm drop, then from a leechlike clot, then out of a (embryonic) lump chewed flesh, formed and unformed that We May Show you …”
The Qur’an mentions the early stages of development and it calls an embryo at an early stage the Alaqah, and one of its definitions means a leech. By examining the illustration below, it is clear that an embryo at the 28th day of development resembles a leech.

Then the Qur’an mentions the stage of the embryonic development called the Mudghah. This word means something chewed by the teeth. For example, a piece of gum chewed in the mouth probably resembles what an embryo would look like at an early stage.

This 42-day embryo is what we now know to be the Mudghah, which is precisely explained in the Qur’an. It looks identical to a chewed piece of gum, but much tinier. Who could have known such scientific information 1400 years ago when the Qur’an was Revealed?
There were no microscopes at the time of Prophet Muhammad, 1400 years ago, so no one could have known the appearances of the human embryo and such knowledge. This could only have been Divine Knowledge.
The heart has a “little brain” and the capability to understand. This is mentioned in
(7:179) “… they have hearts with which they do not understand …”
(63:3) “That is because they believed and then they disbelieved so their hearts were sealed over and they do not understand.”
(22:46) “So have they not traveled through the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear? For indeed it is not eyes that are blinded but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts.”
Dr J. Andrew Armour (pioneer in neurocardiology) introduced the concept of a functional heart-brain in 1991. His work revealed that the heart has a complex intrinsic nervous system that is sufficiently sophisticated to qualify as a little brain in its own right. The heart’s brain is an intricate network of several types of neurons, neurotransmitters, proteins and support cells like those found in the brain. Its elaborate circuitry enables it to act independently of the cranial brain, to learn, remember and even feel and sense. Neuroscientists have discovered that the heart has its own independent nervous system, a complex system referred to as “the brain in the heart.” There are at least 40,000 neurons (nerve cells) in the heart and this “brain in the heart” has the ability to relay information back to the brain, creating a two-way communication system. Physiologists further discovered that when the heart sends messages to the brain, the brain not only understands the messages but also obeys them. The heart generates the strongest known energy fields in the human body. Electrically it’s between 40 to 60 times stronger than the brain. As in
(8:24) “All’h Comes between a man and his heart.”
(All’h Is Energy). The scientist Gregg Goren said: “When we feel a feeling of love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, it changes the electrical and the magnetic field and then those fields literally change the stuff that our world is made of around our bodies. Our hearts are the strongest magnetic field in our bodies. And what science now is showing is that when you can change the field that the atom is in, you change the atom. And we are made of those atoms. So, when we have feelings in our hearts, we are changing the field that connects the stuff everything is made of, and we literally are altering our physical reality.”
A woman may have two hearts at once.
A professor challenged the Qur’an.
(33:4) “God has not Placed two hearts inside a man.”
The professor asked, “Why did the Qur’an not mention a woman too? Does she have two hearts?” A believer student stood up and replied, “No Sir, the Qur’an is very accurate. A woman can have two hearts inside her, when she is pregnant.” The professor stood speechless.
We are all born with fingerprints, and each one is unique. Even identical twins have different fingerprints. This was discovered in the late 18th century, but it was in the Qur’an 1100 years before then. The Qur’an says:
75:3-4 “Does man think that We will not Assemble his bones?” — “Yes (We are) Able to proportion (even) his fingertip.”
Today, we know that those fingertips contain fingerprints that are unique to each individual such that they may be used for identification.
The frontal lobe is the part of the brain responsible for reasoning and logic. The Qur’an mentioned this 1400 years ago. Frontal lobes are responsible for personality, behavior, judgment, problem solving, speech, body movement and motor function. They are in essence “the control panel” of our personality and our ability to communicate. The Qur’an says in Surahs 96, 55 and 11:
(96:15) “No if he desists not We will surely Drag him by the forelock.”
(96:16) “A lying sinful forelock.”
(55:41) “The criminals will be known by their marks and they will be seized by the forelocks and the feet.”
The Arabic word for forelock also means forehead, forepart of the head, the area of the brain responsible for lying: Surah 96 Indicates that the frontal cortex of the forehead in the depth of man’s forelock is his center of judgment, decision making and for controlling actions such as truthfulness and lying, sinfulness and righteousness. That’s why the Qur’an said that God will Drag the wrongdoers by their forelocks/forehead and mentioned this region as lying, sinful forelock/forehead, showing that this area of forehead is responsible for telling lies.
(55:41) “The criminals will be seized by the forelocks and the feet,”
This shows that this area is the center of decision and motor function. When a person intends to tell a lie, the decision is made in the frontal lobe of the brain, which is the front of the head. Now, another miracle. Not only this, but forelock has the same function in almost all animals, that is, it is the center of control and guidance in both men and animals that have brains. Now look at:
(11:56) “I put my trust in All’h my Lord and your Lord. There is not a moving creature but He Has grasp of its forelock. Indeed my Lord Is on a path (that is) straight.”
There are sensory receptors in skin. Skin sensory receptors were documented by science in 1906 but mentioned in
(4:56) “Indeed those who disbelieve in Our verses We will Drive them into a fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will Replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment …”
Prayer is beneficial to humans. Modern research has shown that prayer can have positive effects on mental health and well-being.
(2:45) “And seek help through patience/fasting and prayer …”
At the beginning of our universe, all matter and energy were combined in a “singularity” which has expanded since “The Big Bang.”
(21:30) “Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together before We Clove them asunder?”
The universe is expanding. This is mentioned in the Qur’an:
(51:47) “And the heaven We Constructed with strength and indeed We Are (its) expander.”
Surah/Chapter 53 “The Star”
(53:49)“He Alone Is the Lord of Sirius.”
The word “star” appears in the first verse of chapter 53 and the word “earth” appears in verse 32. They are separated by exactly 861 letters. The distance between the earth and the star Sirius is 8.611 light years.
The sun and the moon rotate in their own orbits. This is a 16th century scientific discovery, but it was mentioned in
(36:40) “It is not permitted to the sun to catch up the moon, nor can the night overtake the day, but each in an orbit is swimming.”
Some stars emit sound. Surah 86 Al-Tariq, Star Sound. The star mentioned in the Qur’an with the name Tariq, meaning someone who knocks on a door, hitting something hard to make noise. All’h Said
(86:1-3) “By the sky and al Tariq (the knocker)” — “And what will make you realize what al Tariq is?” — “It is the star of piercing brightness.”
NASA was able to hear pulsar stars using high end technology of the 20th century. You can clearly hear the sound like someone is hitting or knocking on something. How could Prophet Muhammad have known this 1400 years ago, when there was no high-end technology?
Sub-atomic particles exist. The discovery of electrons in 1897 was the first-time particles smaller than an atom were observed. They were mentioned in the Qur’an:
(10:61) “… atoms and smaller …”
In the lost city of Ur, three idols were worshipped. The ancient Babylonia city of Ur was discovered by archaeologists in the 1920s. They found thousands of idols in this city, but the most prevalent were three: the star, the moon and the sun. Jewish and Christian scholars agree Ur was the historic city of prophet Abraham, where he lived and preached to his people against idol worship. Abraham and his stories are mentioned in the Old and New Testaments and the Qur’an. The Qur’an, however, is the only divine scripture that mentions something very specific about idol worship at the time of prophet Abraham, that no other book mentions; that the people of that city used to worship the star, the moon and the sun. Prophet Muhammad could not have known about the lost city and its details if it wasn’t for God Guiding him.
The distance between the Kaaba and Al Aqsa is 767. In (9:28) the Qur’an mentions the word “Masjid Al Haram” or “Kaaba” (the Muslim sacred mosque) and in (17:1) it mentions Al Aqsa mosque. The number of verses between these two verses in the Qur’an is 767 verses. If you check the coordinates of these two mosques on the Internet and you calculate the distance between Kaaba and Al Aqsa mosques, the total is 767 miles.
The Great Pyramids are topped with fired bricks, not stone. How could blocks that weigh over 10 elephants be chiseled and carried to be placed at the top of the pyramid? With the help of electron microscopes, we’ve discovered that the blocks all the way at the top of the pyramids are different than the blocks at the bottom. The blocks at the top were actually baked. 1400 years ago, the Qur’an knew about this mystery. All’h Revealed in the Qur’an (28:38) that Pharaoh commanded Haman to build a fire, to bake clay, to build a rise/tower high enough to see the God of Moses.
It gets even more precise in the hieroglyphics. Once the Egyptian hieroglyphics were decoded in the 19th century from the Rosetta Stone, it became known that a man named Haman was a close helper of Pharaoh and was “the head of the stone quarries” and in charge of the stone-carrying workers. No one had this information except the Qur’an. So not only did the Qur’an know how the pyramids were built, but it also knew the person’s name who was in charge of the stone carrying workers.
(40:36) “And Pharaoh said, ‘O Haman, construct for me a tower that I may reach the ways.”
(40:37) “The ways into the heavens so that I may look at the God of Moses …”
(28:38) “… O Haman (a fire) upon the clay (from which bricks are made) and make for me a tower that I may look at the God of Moses …”
Pharaoh Ramesses II died in the sea.
After French scientists examined the mummy of Pharaoh Ramesses II, their findings confirmed that the Qur’an is the truth. In 2010 his body was sent to France for study. After research, Dr. Maurice Bucaille concluded the salt stuck in his body was clear evidence that he died in the sea. Dr. Maurice was shocked to learn that the Qur’an mentioned that he drowned in the sea more than 1400 years ago.
(8:54) “(Deeds) like the custom of the people of Pharaoh and of those before them. They denied the signs of their Lord, so We Destroyed them for their sins and We Drowned the people of Pharaoh for they were wrongdoers.”
Dr Maurice was shocked at how his body remained intact even after he drowned. All’h Says:
(10:91-92) “Now? When previously you rebelled/disobeyed and were one of the corruptors?” – “So today We will Preserve your body so you can be a sign for people who come after you and indeed many among the people of our signs/verses are heedless.”
Bee’s honey has healing properties.
(16:68-69) “And your Lord Taught the bee to build its cell …” — “Then eat of all fruits, following the way of your Lord humbly (obediently). There issues from within their bellies a drink of various colors wherein is healing for humankind. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought.”
Honey is useful as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial agent. People commonly use honey orally to treat coughs and topically to treat burns and promote healing of wounds. Anecdotally, beekeepers seem to have extraordinary life expectancy compared to other professions. One explanation for this is going to blow your mind. When bees flit from flower to flower, absorbing the energy of the sun while pollinating, they emit a healing frequency of sound that may not only reverse disease but also heal using energy. Beekeepers refer to this as “Zen energy,” a meditative state of mind while doing their job. If that’s not amazing enough, sleeping above a beehive may provide many health benefits. Beehive air inhalation is another therapy which may reverse disease while providing other health benefits. A jar of honey stored at room temperature will not spoil. Some honey has remained edible for over 3000 years. Some bees build their hives in a perfect Fibonacci sequence, which is a pattern widely found throughout the universe.
Bees are certainly incredible creatures. When contented, a hive of bees will thrum its wings in the key of C. This may be therapeutic for those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In the presence of a beehive, that buzzing C retunes their cognitive dissonance post-traumatic stress. Over the course of a few months, symptoms may be reduced or eliminated simply by being near the resonant frequency of the key of C from thrumming bees. Through such vibrational resonance, certain sounds can help heal our body and minds. Bees and their gentle hum resonate with our body, bringing our own frequencies back into tune. This subtle soothing sound calms the mind, alleviating PTSD, depression and anxiety. When you listen to this healing frequency over time, your mind transforms, much like a bee transforms nectar into honey. This is next-step medicine based on the fact that we are biophysical beings before we are biological; we are energy before we become cells.
Referring to chapter 16 verse 69 of the Qur’an; this miraculous verse mentions a cure originating from the bellies of bees. New scientific research has demonstrated that bee venom has the power to cure cancer. Bee venom contains Melittin, a peptide that can fight cancer cells, kill them within an hour, and prevent their growth, by inhibiting communication between them. The venom glands of the bees are located in the abdominal area, further proving the miraculousness of this verse. Who could have known this 1400 years ago?
Ants communicate, much like humans.
The Qur’an recounts a fascinating story in which ants communicate with each other. According to the verse 27:18, when Solomon’s army marched through a valley of ants, one of the ants warned the others:
(27:18) “O ants, enter your dwellings that you not be crushed by Solomon and his soldiers while they perceive not.”
This incident highlights the remarkable ability of ants to convey information and coordinate their actions.
Interestingly, scientific research supports the idea that ants communicate. Some ant species use sounds or physical gestures to convey messages within their colonies. The Qur’an not only mentions ants speaking to each other but also alludes to the concept of an ant society—a “valley of ants.” This social structure resembles our own, with roles for managers, supervisors, foremen, and workers.
Moreover, ants exhibit behaviors similar to human body language, such as nodding or signaling approval. They even bury their dead, akin to human burial practices. Archaeologists have discovered vast ant colonies, equivalent in scale to the Great Wall of China, showcasing their extraordinary architectural skills. Truly, ants are wonders of the natural world!
Objects do not fully “exist” until they are observed.
(85:3) “By the witness and the witnessed”
Science declares that an item truly exists as long as it is observed/witnessed; otherwise, it is not only meaningless, but practically nonexistent. The observer and the observed are co-dependent/one. We make our own reality; it is in ourselves, therefore one. As “Quantum Thinker” Mark Dawes put it, “In the world of quantum physics, everything exists in superposition, meaning it’s already there. There’s nothing else left to be created. They exist as probabilities in the form of waves, wave forms. But when we observe that wave form by using our mind, we become the observer of our thoughts, we collapse that wave form into a particle, and that becomes our everyday reality. So we are an observer with our lives, but that means we are a participant in the reality we create. If you observe your desires with your mind, you can collapse those waveforms into your reality, and have the life you want.”
Other numerical miracles in the Qur’an
The verse (3:59) says that the example of Jesus to All’h is like of Adam, meaning He Created Adam without a father and a mother and Jesus without a father. Jesus and Adam are each mentioned 25 times in the Qur’an.
The word “world” Is mentioned 115 times in the Qur’an and the word “hereafter” is mentioned 115 times as well.
“Heaven” and “hell” both mentioned 77 times.
“angel” and “devil” both mentioned 88 times.
“life” and “death” both mentioned 145 times.
“month” is mentioned 12 times and “day” mentioned 365 times.
“land” is mentioned 13 times and “sea” mentioned 32 times.13 to 32 happens to be the ratio of land and sea on earth. Land = 28.88% and Sea = 71.11%.
How is it that the Qur’an, which was revealed over a 23-year period with verses being revealed out of order, contains so many numerical patterns? This cannot be the work of man. The Qur’an is the Word of All’h, the Creator.
Every day a verse of the Qur’an becomes live. These are just a few examples of what’s in the Qur’an. You will find more with time.
(11:14) “And if they do not respond to you then know that it was Revealed with the Knowledge/Science of All’h and that there is no god except Him. Then would you submit (to All’h)?”