To the IIC in Chicago

To the IIC in Chicago

(My speech at IIC Chicago 24-27 Feb., 1997)


B(i)sm All’h Al-R’hm’n Al-R’hïm

The reason and object behind the Miracles of the All-Mighty Lord, every time in this World, is for introducing “His Word/ the Book/ the Messenger”, to people:

-to Re-establish His Message, His Path on earth from which people have been deviated during the long period since the last “Teaching”;

-to announce new Teaching & Instructions conform to the Time.

For being quite clear about this; although “the Messenger/Book” beholds new Teachings, but the basic Message of the A-M. Lord never changes, and It Has always been the same in every Divine Book, for every generations, and that is:

“There is no other Creator than the One Creator, who Is the Lord of the people of the world; therefore do not worship besides Him. do not invoke & call anyone with Him.

His Religion is the only true Religion; follow His Religion for your own salvation.”

(Later on, Lord Willing, we shall come to the real meaning of “Religion)

As to new Teaching from The Lord; it is quite logical that the A.M.God Wants the procedure of His Path and the practice of His Religion, easy for people conform to their time.

So Never Ever any Miracle of the Lord has been Sent upon people of the world UNLESS:

-As an Announcement for His New Teaching; and a Warning before the Great disaster; for all believing people to reassemble on His Right Path and uphold His Message; the Right Way of worshiping Him Alone, for avoiding the Great disaster.

By “all believing people” I mean, be Jews, Christians & Muslims or of any other faith. The believing people seeing the Miracle, recognize the Sign of their Lord and obey; they are the ones in the Book who say:

“We hear and obey.” (2:285)*

As for others, no matter what the Lord Shows them, they still are the ones who say:

“We hear and do not obey.” (2:93)

A crucial point in the verse above, to which I call your attention:

The verse is about the Covenant with “Jews”; when God A.M. Raised the mount (Sinai) above their head, as Miracle. And they said: “We hear and don’t obey.”

Now I ask you, how could anyone in such position deny or refuse..?.

Moreover, how come they do not say: “We see and don’t obey” instead of “We hear and …..” ??

It is quite clear that they are not rejecting “The Miracle”. How could they reject such Miracle..?!

All Miracles of God are so awesome and super humanly powerful that no one seeing It, can deny the Fact. But then what they are rejecting, is the Message behind It

They refuse to let go of their idols, so when they are told, “to worship The God Only; and free yourselves of all idols, human Messengers, statues etc…, this is the pure Religion.”, then they refuse and say: “we hear and don’t obey”.

And here is what the A-M Lord Says of such people:

*39:45: “When All’h Alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter shrink (with repulsion); but when others are mentioned besides Him, then they rejoice”

Now, going back to the believers and the verse concerning their reaction:

*2:285: “The Messenger believes in what was sent upon him by his Lord, and so do the Believers; they all believe in All’h, His Angels, His Books and His Messengers: ‘We make no distinction between any of His Messengers’ , they said, ‘and we hear and we obey, Your Forgiveness our Lord and to You is the ultimate destiny’”.

Such is the declaration of a believer by receiving the Sign of his Lord, and his reaction towards His Message. Moreover, it shows quite clearly that if they ask forgiveness in spite of their submission toward His Message, it is for their deviation and idol worshiping in their belief before; and realizing He is the ultimate Reference, why calling on anyone else besides Him?!

A Miracle announces the end of a period of Teaching and the start of a new One.

And a last characteristic about Miracle, is that It only comes when people are deviated from the Right Way of worshiping God Alone. This indeed is something for all of us to meditate upon…today that we have received the Miracle of God.

So this has been the object behind the Miracle of the Lord, every time Sent upon people; and if you refer to (35:43), it is stated that the System of the Lord Never Changes, It is always the same for all generations in all times: now either these Messengers/Books are container of one Teaching for one period of time, as the case of “Ingeel” (the Gospel); or they are container of two Teachings, and meant to last for two different generations, as the case of “Torah” (7:169), & “The Qur’an” (35:31-32).

In such a way that although the Words do not change and stay exactly the same (6:115), at the end of the first period (marked by a Miracle Sent by the Lord), another Messenger, that is the “Zaman” (the Time), through its “Science & Knowledge”, opens the distinction/discernment of the same Book, clarifying the Verses for people conform to the time; and such distinction is called: “Al-Furqan” (i.e. the case of Torah 21:48 & the Qur’an 2:185 & 3:3-4).

Now before telling you about the nature of the Miracle Sent for us today; I would like to make some precisions about the Messengers of our Lord, their characteristics, the order of their importance, their personalities and the Commandment of God about them, that has been the subject of deviation of people after one Messenger to another, in all times.

*40:34 “ And Joseph had come to you in the past with clear Signs, but you continued to doubt for what he had come to you. When he died, then you said : ‘No Messenger will All’h ever Send after him…’ This is how All’h Sends astray those extravagant doubtful ones”.

Today this same thing is the major problem of all the believers:

*12:106 “And the majority of them do not believe in All’h unless they are idol worshipers (they associate others with God).

We are all deviated today by idol worshiping that has caused our loss; and we live the Epoch “Al-Asr”(S103) that humans have lost their Real Lord, His Religion and the Way of Worshiping Him Alone. Today the disease/cancer of idol worshiping after centuries & centuries has polluted the man’s inside world (cell-body), as well as outside world.

Today we need Help, and God Has Sent His Help for whomever wants It. Now let us see first, who the Messengers are, and where did we go wrong about them?

-“THE MESSENGER”, The Essential Messenger, the One that has all the importance of holding the Word of the Lord for the whole period of time, alive during centuries & centuries among the people, is of course, the Book.

-Then we have “Zaman/Time”, “Science & Knowledge” and “Human” Messengers, that all of which are Sent ONLY to serve the MESSENGER/ Book. The Commandment of Lord also concerns the MESSENGER Book (2:63-93, 19:12), Saying: we should hold firmly to the Book with all the strength, and bring ever into remembrance all that is in It. NEVER has the Lord Commanded in any of His Books, to keep in memory anything about any other Messenger. On the contrary it has always been stated that, “Zikr” (keeping in memory) is for the Lord and His Word Only.

-Human Messengers, serve as “voice” of the MESSENGER Book; and voices fade away, new voices take up the shift. “Time” also comes and passes, “Science” also change; BUT ONE WHO STAYS ALIVE AND PRESENT AMONGST PEOPLE, SERVING ITS LORD is the Book.

Unfortunately the problem and disease of human’s World (soul, cell, body & universe) started after every “Prophet”- that is a New Book brought by a human Messenger-. In such a way that, when the “voice” faded away, people mixed up the order of importance between the two; instead of holding firmly to the Commandment/Book, they hanged on, and chained strongly themselves to the memory of the human Messenger: His customs of living, eating, walking and talking…Nothing but tales from the past, narrated by mankind from thousands of years ago…..

And when a new “voice” came, bringing “New Teaching”; people rejoicing with their ancient Teaching, they mocked about the New One:

*40:83 : “When their Messengers came to them with solid Proofs, they rejoiced with what knowledge they had received before, and the very things they mocked about, happened to them.”

Yes. This is what has also happened to us today, that the Miracle & Help of the Lord Has come to remind us the Message; to stop the development of our disease, bringing New Instructions for it’s cure, and we say: “we hear and don’t obey.”

We go on, each rejoicing with the memory of our past Messengers, boasting to each other who’s Messenger had a higher rank at Lord’s… and keep on promoting them ourselves

And although the Believers say: “We make no distinction between any of His Messengers..” (2:285), we do not obey and in our races of “promotion”, we have raised and pushed them higher & higher…. till causing our own confusion about them… Some of us call these “voices”, God, and son of God..; and some of us live with their memories bringing their names into our Prayers and worshiping, which are meant to be for the Creator Only….?. We are so deeply in our “games”, that with such clear and obvious Commandment in our Book as:

*72:18: “The places of worship belong (only) to All’h, then DO NOT CALL ON ANYONE beside All’h.”,

…We still “do not obey”… and precisely in our “worshiping places”, not only the names of our Prophets are all the time mentioned, but in fact, all our love, enthusiasm and remembrance are more towards them… only we do not admit it and we call ourselves, “monotheist”….

But today, the disease of our World talks for itself and as “Day of Religion” has started, then the result of deviation and idol worshiping of humankind has made day, and very clear.

I must precise the meaning of “religion” and “Day of Religion” (“Deen” & “Youm Al-Deen”) here, that has always been translated as: “Day of Judgement” and “Day of Resurrection”.

Or as I have already brought up such fact some years ago; in the Qur’an you never find two different words with exactly the same meaning. This has also been proven by scientific reasons.

“Day of Religion”, has its own signification, which is: “time in which Religion comes out of the darkness -night- into -day- light; when everything becomes clear by the ‘light’ of knowing (Science); and the True Religion, and Verses of the Book are “Distinguished” from false religion and fabricated verses, attributed to God, out of which people have been following and practicing as their source of religion, for centuries and centuries.

And “Religion” means: Universal law/ the law and rules of functioning of an “atom”, to “solar system”. Now who can make a religion for anything unless he has created that thing?

This is why the A-M. Creator States in His Book:

*22:73 “O people, listen to this parable: those people that you are calling besides All’h, they cannot create a fly, even if they banded together….”

Today Science informs us: from the “atom” and even “quarks” of our body, to our “solar system”, and all the “molecules” of our universe, function under the same Law and Religion of the same Creator. In other words, our system is programmed to function under the certain Rules that of which has been Created upon. Therefore Everything functions due to the Religion of our Creator, the only One who Has Created. Thus, the only One who Knows the system of His Creation. And the Creator Explains His Religion to us in His “Guiding Book”.

The following verses are of the greatest and most important verses of the Qur’an, concerning humankind. But unfortunately, they have been wrongly interpreted hitherto; today through Science we understand the real signification:

*51:56: “I did not Create the Jinn & the man, but to Worship Me (Alone)”,

And the explanation comes in the next two Verses:

*51:57: “Not that I Want sustenance from them and nor do I Want them to feed Me”,

*51:58: “In fact it is All’h who Gives (all) Sustenance, Owner and Giver of Perpetual Energy”.

This explains that if God Says He Has Created Jinn & man to worship Him, is not because He Needs feeding of “ego or energy” by their worship… He Is the Owner of Perpetual Energy and He is the Only One Who Feeds. But because their correct functioning’ system, and their complete health is based and programmed on worshiping Him, Alone. And today we know that nothing works if the right “keys” are not used. So, by going against our nature and His Religion, on the long term, we break down, and the illness of our world makes “day”….

Now, the world of man consists of three worlds in one another. He has been Created in three layers of darkness (39:6): world of the cell, world of the body and the outside world.

All three, identical and of the same substance, in three different sizes, inside one another, and related to one another. And all three under the responsibility and the rein of human “mind”, to which A-M. Creator Has Confided as a “Trust” (33:72). The Trust/ the Spirit, that man became candidate to carry at his own risk & peril, consists of some Portion of God’s Spirit for “lightening” his mind, whereas he was at the state of (animal) transgression and ignorance, before.

This Capital “Light” (intelligence) was for “lightening” the Way to his Lord, to Perpetual Life & Energy. And the only way for “charging” such “Light/Energy”, while on earth, was to be invested in It’s own currency, that is worshiping, following the Rules & Religion of Its Source, the One and Only Creator, the God.

The risk, on the other hand was the danger of infidelity & ingratitude toward Such Gift; to relate the “wire” of this Energy to other sources than His, that would first stop the charging procedure. Then the fact of worshiping other gods besides God, that is abusing the “Light” on deviations, would result the exhaustion & draining of the “Capital”.

Hence, at the end of this world, the lack of possessing enough “Light/Energy” to lead the Way up and getting close to God, the Source of Energy, thus remains down here on earth, in darkness, pain and disease for ever…

In other words, we have to keep “charging” our “Capital”, we cannot afford losing It, as It is our “return back ticket” to the Great Lord and everlasting happiness.

Now “the Religion” of the Creator consist the Way & System of Charging His Light in each of us, but the “Wire” should be kept ABSOLUTELY CLEAN from any kind of “mixture”, association. For such reason it is that the domain of “mind” and “Zikr” belongs to Him, and this is why our HEALTH depends on Worshiping Him Alone.

Today by the start of “Day of Religion”, humankind witnesses what he has sent forward by his own hand; what he has done to his World, and so the result of his action has made day. Today it is quite clear that he has not been following the Religion of the Creator. Therefore, all these wars and killings by the name of God, is nothing but pure hypocrisy and unjust toward the Creator.

This is only due to man’s own “disease” and ill state of “mind”.

Today, we really need God’s Help. And the A.M. Lord, out of His Infinite Mercy, Sends His Help (Al-Nasr/ The Help S110), through Miracles, to Help people see the Way (of God), for their recovery and curing their disease.

He Gives New Instructions as how to shake our divisions, reassembling on His Way, under His Only Religion. THE ONLY WAY OF REMEDY AND WELL BEING for Human Nations..


As said above, the Miracles of A-M. Lord for people, evidently have always been suitable, leveling the knowledge and understanding, the custom, acquaintance & familiarity of people at their time. For instance:

At the time of Moses, the skill of Sorcery was very well known and current between people of his time; Jesus, cured the blind and the leprous, and again Leprosy was a disease widespread at the time, and something that never had been cured before; and Muhammad, his Miracle was the Qur’an, and also his time and society was marked by literature, poetry etc.

The Qur’an has been constituted in three Dimensions of Knowledge, all of which recorded on the “tape” of Prophet Muhammad’s mind at once; and each dimension being programmed to release at its specific time (as the A-M. God Tells us that all the signs are here for us to see; the sign for this today is the same as several different recordings on any video tape, programmed to release each at their specific time):

*2:185 “It is in the month of Ramadan that the Qur’an has been Sent as a Guide for people, and Evidences of the Guidance, and the Distinction……”).

The first Dimension, that consisted of the entire Word of the Qur’an, in all integrity & totality, was to be released in 23 years, out of Muhammad’s mind, during his lifetime.

This Dimension although consisted of the whole Word, but not all Its Knowledge had been given to them (because of the limited knowledge at the time):

*17:85: “They ask you about the Spirit (of Revelation- the Qur’an), say, ‘the Spirit of my Lord’s Command; and of the Knowledge, you have been given but a little’”.

Therefore, this Dimension was no more than “confirming the precedent Books”:

*35:31 “And what We Revealed to you of the Book, it is the just (in Integrity, the right of the Book), confirming It’s precedent ones….”

The Period given to Muhammad and such Dimension of the Book is : 1400 years:

*15:87 “In fact, We have Given you, a seven of the pair & pair (a seven of the two & two) and the Great Qur’an”.

Please note well that this verse is placed in the Sura: 15th; moreover, the addition of the number of the verse, is also (8 + 7) = 15; all of which indicating 15th century and the end of the first Dimension, and the start of the 2nd & 3rd Dimension Knowledge of the Qur’an.

Furthermore, the name of the 15th Sura is = “Al-Hijr”, meaning: “The INTELLECT”…..

So, for us people of 15th century, and the Time of intellect; The A.M. Lord Brings the mathematical coding Miracle of His Book, the second Dimension Knowledge, to:

-first, Reassure people that His Word has been Protected during the last 14 centuries;

-then, to Announce the Opening of the 3rd Dimension Knowledge of His Book, the FurQan/Discernment, by which Introducing Himself as the Creator through our contemporary Science; besides an Interpretation of His Book conform to Science & Knowledge of our Time:

*25:33: “And with no question do they bring to you, but We Came to you by the Truth (the whole, the entire of the Book), and a better interpretation.”

Such fact is also indicated at the end of Surah ”Muhammad” (47), that the Qur’an will change hand…. The substituents are “The Intellectuals/ As’hab Al-Hijr” of the 15th Surah at the 15th century, who will not be like those who did not appreciate the Qur’an.

*47:38: “Behold, you are those Invited to spend in the Way of All’h. But among you are some that are niggardly. And any who are niggardly, are so at the expense of their own souls. And All’h Has no needs, but it is you who are needy. If you turn back, He Will Substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be like you.”

So let us say: “WE HEAR AND OBEY.”


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