Letter to Dr. Ali Fazely

( -An introduction on Ali Fazely, from Baton Rouge; and Kowsari from San Fransisco , to whom my letters below were addressed.

The reason for these letters, was that they tempt to interfere in God’s Commandment, not only for changing the word in “Salat”; but also the number of the daily Salat….

Please refer to: “Letter to Believers”, on this blog to know all about it .

– Although these letters do not concern directly the honorable readers, but nevertheless they are most educative concerning the Qur’an;

– I have edited this letter, grammar wise, and with some explanation for the readers; but of course, the substantial character of the letter is the same and has not been changed.)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

(Bsm All’h AlR’hm’n AlR’hïm)

Mr A. Fazely,

Baton Rouge,

Louisiana 70808.                                        19th JULY,1996

Dear Dr Fazely,

Thank you for your journal that I receive regularly, and I enjoy thoroughly this unending mathematical Miracle…; I am most grateful to my Almighty Lord to be amongst those to witness it.

Indeed you and your group of righteous people, are most fortunate to have been chosen to be the successor of Rashad’s line of discovery, to continue bringing out, more and more, of the math. Miracle of the Ghor’an (Qur’an). This being, I firmly believe, your “line” of work; and as I have pointed out to you twice before, when it concerns the “Word” of our Lord, it is most dangerous to trespass one’s “line”.

Rashad was a Messenger of All’h, no doubt. I was the first to believe and announce it, in spite of the anger and violence of the same bunch of people, today worshipping him, as to overlook and deny his mistakes in the translation of the Ghor’an. The Truth has to be said, no matter what it costs.

I said it then, and what I am about to say now, has to be said, as it is God’s Word:

(69:49): ”Some of you would deny it”

(69:51): “And it is the Truth, for sure.”

And I sincerely hope, my bringing out Rashad’s case here, for you as well as all the righteous people, would be beneficiary, as it is the Wish of our Almighty Lord (69:48 below)*; and that the fact of his being slain would not have been overlooked and in vain. And that you, Dr Fazely, would not make the same mistake as in: (69:44-52) *So, taking refuge to All’h, naming His Grace and Mercy, may He Help us to understand His Word.”

Rashad, like all other Messengers, made mistakes. Messengers, outside their Message, are only human, and it is quite normal for them to make mistakes in their lifetime. But there is a particular mistake that is punishable for the Messengers (69:44) * in this life; and that is the case of trespassing the “limit” of their Mission. So let us go through these verses together, checking of course from the Arabic text (and it is extraordinary and amazing that Rashad understood these verses differently….)

First of all, the importance lies in the title of this Surah: “ALHAGHA” (S. 69), Meaning: The sort of fact that certainly happens and will take place; in Farsi is: “Tahaghogh Yaftani”.

Rashad’s mistake was, that he declared and published his own words, as God’s Word (69:44), that is in his translation of the Qur’an. In fact he made his own words and understanding, appear as “Authorized”, and divine. (And as you can see in Arabic text, it is specifically the case of trespassing the: “Ghowl”, “Aghawil”, meaning exactly: “word”, “words” )

And his translation, that obviously is in his own words, contains mistakes… and God does not Make mistake. (I pointed out this matter several times of course, but every time he got angrier and touchy about it; and at the end I was declared as “the enemy” …)

You see, what Rashad thought, that is at the beginning, that God Has Given him the whole Qur’an as well as Its mathematical’ Miracle; and where he went wrong, was that when he realized the fact, he went on refusing to admit it… until he had to be stopped!

Or, the exact limit and extent, superficies and volume of RKh.’s Mission, is clearly Indicated.

The Indication is in S.98, “The Proof”; and obviously the Proof concerns the Mathematical Coding of the Qur’an.

So, anything out of this, is his own word and understanding with human mistakes, as all others.

And as he continued to pretend, refusing to admit it, he was seized by his right hand (69:45)*, and his heart’ artery (Aorta/ “Alwateen) was cut off from him (69:46); and none of his bodyguards* were guarding him at the time he was stabbed (69:47)*:

(69:44) “And if he (the Messenger) were to fabricate against Us certain sayings;”

(69:45) “We will certainly Seize him by the right hand;”

(69:46) “Then cut off the artery of his heart,”

(69:47) “and not one of you could be guarding* him from it.”

(69:48) “This indeed is a notification for the righteous”

(69:49) “And We surely Know that there are amongst you those that reject ”

(69:50) “and Certainly it is a (matter of) regret for the disbelievers”

(69:51) “and indeed it is Truth for sure”

(69:52) “Thus glorify by Name of your Lord, Al-Azeem.” **

** And here is “the key” in the last verse. Why this kind of glorification precisely? Because this is the kind of glorification we, humankind on earth, do in the position of Rokoo/ bowing and bending the head in front of His Knowledge & Wisdom and refrain from obstinacy.

(And here is a point for my later argument about Allaho Akbar in Salat; every quality Name of Allah is for a precise time and place of course, depending on the quality named. * Al-Azeem = Greatness of God in this World).

Now let us see the confirmation by the numbers; as the numbers speak, and every digit has a special signification, as is mentioned in my writings on this blog.

6 = space, measure

(hexagon being the shape of our World/ the shape of human’ cell; and means of measure).

9 = Messenger (as in “19”, one = God, 9 = Messenger);

6 + 9 = 15 (15th century of the Qur’an, or the beginning of the ‘after Muhammad’ who was Given 14 century with the Qur’an (15:87) (8 + 7 = 15)

S.15 = “Alhijr” = /(“The power of Intellect“), our Time.

Moreover, in (15:9), concerning the Preservation of the Qur’an, is the time that the Messenger of the covenant, rises bringing the “Proof” of the preservation of the Ghor’an/Qur’an. Besides, number 9, is the number of the Surah in which they trespassed and added 2 extra verses.)

(NB: Here I draw your attention to the fact that all the numbers above indicate to the “Time”, “Event”, and subject of the Messenger of the “Proof”; and the case of intruding either, into the Words of God; or inventing words by the Name of God.)

I also have to point out that the title of S.15, “Alhijr”, if at the time of Prophet Muhammad happened to concern a valley by the name “Al Hijr”; today for us there is no mention of the word “valley”.

The word “Alhijr” means: “the power of Intellect”; and “As’hab alhijr” means: “The Intellectuals”.)

And to complete this, let us look into numbers by the law of :

A /B x B/A = 1

(as all math. Formula can be found in the Ghor’an).

So the reversed number of “69” is “96”; now let us see whether they complete the confirmation:

  • 96 is about, ‘ the man’, God Teaching him knowledge that he never knew (and God only Teaches His Messengers 42:51), and he transgresses; when he sees himself independent and able to do without.


And if we look into v.15:

96:15 “Indeed if he does not stop it, We will Take him by the forelock.”

(This is where you, Dr Fazely, and all of us can say: “Allaho Akbar”/ Allah Is Greater, and Greater…Meaning the more you look into Him, the Greater you find Him). Praise for the Lord of people.

Now everything fits as the pieces of puzzle. Otherwise what is the point of Saying all this to Muhammad, when it did not happen to him?!

And also (36:26,27): In these verses, such (Messenger) he wishes that all his people would know that his Lord Has Forgiven him, and placed him with the most fortunate ones. Otherwise, why a Messenger would be eager for his people to know that he is Forgiven?! Nobody worries about a Messenger normally.. But here let us see how the Lord of the people is Merciful & Compassionate: ‘As Rashad had to be punished by the law of S 69, God Had him killed by the martyrdom; so he is Forgiven as soon as he is killed.


As for the main reason for this letter; I am very sorry to say that the danger I feared, and warned you about in my previous letters, unfortunately is happening today, and is threatening some believers through the lack of your sense of responsibility and outgrowing vanity.

Here we are once more, facing the same problem of distortion of the Facts due to human egotism; and here again I am warning against it. But all I hope, this letter would clarify the Facts for you.

Now you are simply ordering to change a Word (of God) in Salat?

This is MOST Dangerous. (please think them over as to realize what a heavy burden, you are and will be more & more, loading on your back for every believer that you distort from “Entering the Zone of reception of the Light”, because of your wrong teaching 69:9,10).

Now let us see if it is as simple as you think… !

In “Salat, just as the ‘ magnetic card’ for opening doors, ‘key’ code for computers, or the “sound of one’s voice” to get through, you need the ABSOLUTE PRECISION for the “words”, “sound” and “action/movement”; in other words, to open the way and get through to, what I call, “THE ZONE OF LIGHT”, there are three essential factors: “The magnetic force, the Key’ code, the sound”:

-The Key’ code: it is quite clear and no doubt, it is the Surah of “Alfatiha(in Arabic), the 1st S. of the Ghor’an, meaning: ‘The Opener’ (or more precisely), “The thing that opens”.

-The sound: “the sound of one’s voice”; this clears the fact why we should pronounce the words loud enough to be heard by our own ears; (as every sound has it’s special effect; and our voice, is our own “key” to open the Way)

-As for the “Movement” used in Salat, are to produce and enforce the magnetic force, like Rokoo’ and Sajdeh (as I have written on this blog; both these two positions are advantageous positions to enforce the magnetic force, by bringing the two ends of the body close to each other, forming the shape of “horse shoe”; and in Sajdeh = we plug into earth to establish the connection to Electricity).

But what are the words used during the Movement for turning on such effect?! We have no way of knowing (not yet by Science), unless we stick closely to the Teaching of God.

As Salat was Revealed to Abraham, therefore in the Book of Muhammad it is only Mentioned as confirmation (to carry on the Commandment of Salat); and if there should be some change (as the case of fasting and zakat). Therefore, if we are today practicing the Salat as the time of Abraham, it is only because God Has Seen to it to be preserved; coming to us by succession, from father to son, and from mouth to ear. So for the eventual ‘rule makers’, for changing, adding or reducing, we have confirmation of every word, action, time and number of “Rok’at/section” (though not quite obvious to people) in the Book; by hint and implication, for the knowledgeable and patient students.

Here are the reasons as to why we CANNOT change the word “Allaho Akbar (as you want to change…):

-First of all, let me ask you: Why not “Alkabeer-alMote’al”, instead of “Alalleal Kabeer”? Now that it is up to us to choose?

-Have we ever heard from a single soul, or brought to us by tails from ancestors, that there has been a slight confusion on the authenticity of the reminder: “Allaho Akbar”? And have we ever heard someone saying his father used to say, “Al-Kabeer” in Salat? Never !

(I must remind you, for the two extra verses in S.9 (:128-129); that there has always existed a doubt on their authenticity, because they never found the two known people witnessing and confirming them. And it is a well-known, that ever the sixth century, the “Ulama” in charge wanted to take them out of the Ghor’an. This is to say that doubts and confusion on these sorts of things, never are completely buried and the rumor will stay about.)

All kind of quality/goodness names (nouns of adjective) belong to Allah (7:180). Meaning that all goodness or qualities are derivative of Allah’s Names; i.e. “Hekmat(Wisdom), has derived from “Al Hakeem” (The Wise). (By the way this is what Rashad and you all call: “God’s beautiful names”) “….Therefore call Him by them..”, means : “Call Him by His Name of quality depending your need and requirement; i.e. if you require “His Generosity”, call Him “AlVahab”, or you want “knowledge”, call Him “AlAleem”.

Therefore, every goodness’s Name of Allah, is for the quality required. Consequently you cannot call Him “Al-alee-alKabeer”/Al-Kabeer” in Salat, when we are taught by Him that this is the quality of highness required for the True and Real God over the false gods, and the capacity for judging (22:62; 31:30; 34:23; 40:12); AlKabeer, Is the Greatness of God in High Above our universe.

(And the answer to my question above is this: “Alkabeer alMote’al” = is the quality required, enabling to know of everything, seen and unseen).

You are right in saying there are three verses of “..Allaho akbar” in the Ghor’an. And “akbar” is adj. Qualitative of the: acquiescence, the hate, the “zikr” (/remembrance) of God. Only the three verses do not go in the same “basket”; you have overlooked a tiny little dot, that makes the difference we need. In the two verses (9:72; 40:10), ‘akbar’ is evidently in the same sentence;

Here is the difference of (29:45)

The whole verse is about Salat; so it is evident that the Given information, concerns the Salat. (Remember. new information in God’s Books, is said openly; but old and customary ones, by hint as already explained concerning “Revelation in the precedent Book”).

29:45 “Recite to them what you have been Revealed, and establish the Salat. (Here is confirmed that salat is to be performed as customary; and the new Revelation should be recited to people.) Salat keep away from shamefulness and unlawful. (And here as you notice, the sentence ends by a “full stop”) And the zikr of Allah is greater, and Allah Knows what you are doing.”

This phrase has been classified individually, although in total relation with the last one. And as everything, even punctuation, has a reason; the reason is that the sentence can be considered as an individual and complete one, such as: “And the zikr of Allaho Akbar”. The hint for the customary zikr in the movements of Salat.

There are two factors to keep in mind about Salat and zikr:

Salat being a repetitive work, and as all repetitive works, the benefit is in the concentration.

So, THE MORE WE CONCENTRATE on Allah, the GREATER the benefit;

the other important factor, is the meaning of “zikr” . Zikr = The word of reminder.

So the “zikr of Allaho Akbar” is to remind you to concentrate on Allah (because, the benefit is) greater. Most of us, if not all, we are sometimes distracted by what we have to do during the day time.. etc. So this zikr/reminder, reminds us to come back to concentrate on Allah, that is GREATER than all your doings. And the last sentence of this verse says it all: Allah Knows what you are doing.

So you see, every time you concentrate on Allah, the benefit is greater; now what other word could possibly take the place of this word, to express the real fact and measure of its quality?!

Therefore Dr Fazely, “God is not calling his own Names…” (as you have put it in your Journal, so daintily), that You want to choose Him a better one!!!

IN FACT WE ARE CALLING OURSELVES to attention in Salat; and apart from Salat, we remind ourselves that He Is Greater than everything we see, than all we do, than all we think… In fact we keep on reminding ourselves that He Is Greater, Greater than Great.. and on and on, until we die… (ALLAHO AKBAR)

As I have brought out this matter before, “THE WORD OF GOD DOES NOT CONTAIN ERROR”.

The first error in any words, it is an indication that belongs to “man” .

The first time you went into the meaning of the Word (of God), I pointed out your errors.

One of them as I remember was : “One of the names of God being, The One ”.

And I suppose this would be the translation of: “Al Wahid” !

The last time I wrote to you about this error, I really hoped and expected to find you more objective; and just as to let your readers know about my comments & explanations, let everyone go and check by themselves, and this is easy as “everything is fully detailed” in the Ghor’an.

Your silence about hiding these comments is very strange. So much the more coming from someone who is so eager to use “only” the Word of God.. !!

Consequently, I shall rewrite here again everything I wrote to you concerning this subject. As I have the intension of sending copies of this to Believers. I really was hoping you would do the same by letting your readers and followers hear the comments and decide for themselves.

(Here are some résumé on this subject extracted from my last letter to Fazely):

Wahid” means : “one”; and “Alwahid” means: “the only”;

The word “alwahid” / “the only” (“the one” as you say), is used as often and regularly in Arabic as any other language. And this word is used for, every one thing , everyone and everywhere, like: “the only man”, “the only chair”, “the only town” etc… This is how this word “alwahid” is used in Arabic.

So when you say: “God is the One”, in fact you are saying: “God is the only…”; The only what? Your sentence is not finished.

So you will never find this in the Ghor’an as a name. and Allah Has never Called Himself by: “The One”. Because this word alone is incomplete and grammatically wrong.

Rashad’s translation of course, is the base of your error, just by placing an extra comma: “The one (,) the supreme”; furthermore the word “supreme” is not the right translation for the Arabic, “Ghahar”, which is: “Vanquisher; overcoming power; conqueror or super power”.

This word in the Ghor’an, is used ONLY with “ALGHAHAR”, meaning: “The Only Conqueror”(12:39; 13:16; 14:48; 38:65; 39:4; 40:16).

Twice, in three consecutive Surahs. And if you study them, the base is a warning to those who have other idols beside Allah; and that they should know, that THE ONLY CONQUEROR/SUPER POWER at the end is Allah, and their idols will have no power.

Now let me tell you some extraordinary points on these verses (Allaho Akbar!) :

The first question that comes to mind , why only this Quality of Allah is preceded by ‘the only’ ?! Is He not: The only Creator? The only Merciful, or the only Formative (by the way; the word “Formative or “Fatir” is wrongly translated by Rashad as “Initiator”. this is very important, because it corroborates Science’s discovery on the Creation: “God has Created everything -in infinitely small molecules- first, then He has Formed them into shapes: heaven, earth, trees, etc.)

Yes, He is the Creator. But the fact of Creation is unique and specific to God, so it is not necessary to indicate it. And as the Lord’s Word is with absolute precision and infallible, therefore ‘alwahid’ (the only) occurs only for: “The only overcoming Power”.

Why six times? Why twice three times?

As you notice, these verses are twice in three consecutive Sourahs (2×3):

As I have explained in my writings (and in precedent pages), every digit or number has a meaning in the Ghor’an and they confirm the verses. Number (6) means = complete; every 6 side of things (as everything belonging to this World being hexagonal).

Three (3), means = (Full) confirmation. So in fact this “Warning” has been confirmed twice, in two different periods. And now, if you compare the first v. of each period; i.e. (12:39) with (38:65); and then the second v. of the two, i.e. (13:16) with (39:4); and finally, (14:48) with (40:16); you will see that they follow EXACTLY the same procedure:

First, they are warned by a Messenger that God Is the Only Super Power; second, the reason advanced for it; and the last, the Day that everyone will see that the Only Conqueror Is Him.

Why twice?

Because the Ghor’an has been Planned to “Open” twice (35:31-32). First, to Muhammad; then to those who inherit It (and they are not only Arabs 47:38). This is the period of ‘After Muhammad’ S.48, or the 15 century, as Muhammad was given 14 cent. (15:87).

The last verse of the first period (14:48) = Number 14, indicates the 14C. of Muhammad; and S. 48, is “the Opening” after “Muhammad”.

And the last but not least; if you read the first three verses without division of their v.’s number, you will see that it is quite possible and the Word follow and they make One.

And if you read: (12:39 and 38:65); then, (13:16 and 39:4 ); then, (14:48 and 40:16); again you will see that they follow, and make One whole statement (Allaho Akbar!).

Allah is NOT “alwahid”, but “Your Elah is wahid”, and the reason is very obvious; Allah = “Al Elah”. So by saying Allah, in fact you are also saying the only Elah. Nevertheless, in the meaning of numbers and digits, one / wahid, represent the symbol of Allah.

Today, at the fifteenth century, it is the time of knowledge (S.15 “The Intellect”), that leads towards God by introducing His Signs.

And yet, you did not recognize the Sign of “Allah” when I wrote to you: “The four letters in Arabic of All’h: are the exact symbolic physical signs of the “four main forces, Creator of all the particles of our universe” discovered by Science today.

The Scientific explanation for the four forces, Creator and former of all the molecules of existence, and their physical symbolic signs, being:

“Gravity; strong and weak Nuclear forces, two of the same root; and the Electro-Magnetic force ;

The symbolic sign for (G), being a straight line, drawn from up downward, (the first to have been discovered by Man), and separate from the others;

The (N) forces, strong and weak, two from the same root;

and (E-M) force (knowledge of “light” and that its symbolic sign being worldly known) as : © .

The three forces are related by waves of strong & weak “interactions” (W);

the physical symbolic sign for the short interaction is : (w)

Now if you draw, one straight line from up , downward; and two waves, long and short for (N) forces, and a © at the end for electro magnetic force, and relate the three, with the small sign of interaction on top of them then look at it : الله

Now do you see the Sign of your Lord…?! Look again & again do you see any difference? (67:3,4)

But then when I wrote you about this TREMENDOUS Sign, you wrote back to me, and these are your exact words:

“I do not agree with your opinions on the scientific points and their connection to the Quran. For example Allah, and how the four letters are somehow connected to the four forces in nature. Furthermore, the waveform you have given to word Allah, has no scientific or Quranic basis. I also do not share your opinion for significance you have implied for numbers…Allah is ALWAHID not vahid…..”..

  • You don’t see. You see no connection with Science.


Where then do you think it, the Science, comes from?!

And who else could be the Creator of all molecules of existence…..?!

Then you should look up (7:146), for REJECTING such OBVIOUS SIGN of the Lord..

And yet He Says:

“All forces are Allah’s” (2:165);

and He Says all Signs are here on the earth for us to see!

“And those who dispute OUR Signs, there will be no escape for them” (42:35)

About (17:111), here again you have got it wrong.

This v. is a “Shahada” of today’s Believers, who have chosen the Straight manner of worshipping; and they declare in their Salat, that they do not belong to these categories of believers (that are the symbol of the belief of the three main religions today in our world):

(17:111) “And say: ‘Praise be to Allah, who Begets no son; and there is no partner for Him in the dominion; and nor does He Need any ally (“valiï”) out of weakness; and glorify His Greatness in great manner”

Again this v. is about the Salat; as you can see that v. 110 does not end with a “full stop” and continues in v. 111.

This is about a declaration as “tashahud”; and how to pronounce the “Takbeer(that is “Allaho Akbar”).

Kaberho- Takbeera”, as in (33:56) (Sallemo-Taslima), which are about congregation Salat , that the “Takbeer” &”Salutation”, should be pronounced loud, and all together.

(These by the way are confirmations of the Salutation & Takbeer of the congregation Salat, that was performed at the time of Abraham.)

May the Almighty Lord Guide us to see the Facts, Insha-Allah, and May He Bless you all.


Copy to Masjid Tucson

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

Besm Allah AlRahman, AlRaheem ( in Arabic)

27th Nov.,1996


Mr. Fazely,

I received your JS, v.4 no.1, March 1996; and much to my desolation:

-What I dreaded from the beginning, and warned you about trespassing your line and limit of Work, when you first started misinterpreting the Words, has happened;

-I do not wish to receive your papers anymore, as you are not serving the Lord Alone.


BUT NOW, your proclamations are simply and straightforwardly LIES, falsehood and BLASPHEMOUS.

CONSEQUENTLY, IT IS THE DUTY OF EVERY TRUE BELIEVER TO BOYCOT WHATEVER IS PRINTED UNDER YOUR NAME; even though, (quoting yourself), being by the name of go!!.. I am sorry but a touch of irony is inevitable. And the sad part about it, is when you accuse other’s ego for not seeing it your way.

Yes it is very sad indeed how satan can get hold of people through ego, duping them to complete blindness about their own faults and misbehavior.

This is my third letter of warning to you. In my two previous ones, I had explained with details and Ghor’anic proof, your faults and misinterpretations regarding “The Word” . Frankly it is very hard for me to believe that after all these explanations, that even a child realizes their authenticity, you still go on with your wrong resolutions and act as though nothing has been proved.

What is unbelievable is Masjid Tucson…Why they don’t print my letter to you for everyone to see where you go wrong..; it is amazing. This way they are proving your accusation against them… “They only fight Rashad’s cause”; and so they are playing your “card”, unknowingly…. For the Cause of God, they should have printed my letter, especially as to why we cannot change the word “Allaho Akbar” with any other word. This was, not only a very important correction, but a new and interesting piece of information for all learned believers; and to prevent the naïve ones to fall into satan’s trap by your participation.

Nevertheless, I see that you have not been quite deaf to my corrections. You have corrected your “In the Name of God Most…”, into “In The Name of God THE Gracious…”

As I had told you that the word “most” means = more than (everyone, everything), and it was not such a big deal for God to be more gracious & merciful than all the human beings and Jinns, angels or all of them together!


Now you have changed the: “…most….most…”, into “..all…all..”, which is quite unnecessary and superfluous.

But I thank the Lord, as there is a great Sign in this. The hint is in the 35:31,32.

For the second time of the opening of the Ghor’an, brought as heritage to some servants Chosen by God; this “Capital”(the Ghor’an) is used and upheld in three different manners:

Wronging oneself (by wrong use of the “Goods”); partial, biased, (not investing completely the goods out of prejudice); speeding ahead by the “Goods”, preceding the good events(of the Book) by God’s Leave. And this being “The Great Accomplishment” (ALFAZLEL KABEER).

The sign in this is that we (the people of the end, and the “inheritors of the Ghor’an”) have to be distinguished from one another right from the beginning with “Heading” of our papers and announcements. And here we are with three different Headings….

(Of course the actual Muslims do not include in the above categories, as they deny the Heritage and the re-Opening of the Ghor’an).

And now let us go into your errors and (wrong use of the “Goods”):

Your boasting about your name being in the Ghor’an, and being the Name of God.

This is a thing that could be claimed by thousands of Muslims. They have named their children by the words of the Ghor’an for the last 1400 years….

BESIDES, NEVER A MESSENGER OF GOD HAS HAD GOD’S NAME (and this is a true sign of satan)

In your JS of March 1996, that I just have received, you start with the title:

“Who are you arguing with?” !

This indeed is outrageous and blasphemous… How do you dare thinking that arguing with your wrong and elementary errors, would be arguing with God’s Word??!!

In my previous letters I wrote you about your “line of serving God”; that is “continuing the Line of Rashad’s Miracle, being all in the “ray of mathematics”.

And the amusing part is your surprise each time you and your associates find a new mathematical thing.

Or as I have written to you before, this is an “UNENDING PROCEDURE”.

You must of course have heard about: ” Série de Fourier” in high level math.,

(F = Fundamental + Harmonic). And once in the ray of the circle of Fundamental, the Harmonics go on and on and on

A Messenger has to bring the Fundamental Miracle, and the Harmonics (that is yours) will go on, and after you, on.. A Messenger teaches you knowledge about the Book that you did not know before. You have not taught us anything of the Book apart (the continuation of the math. Miracle), falsifying a Word of God and misinterpretation out of ego.

And as to your errors of translation and understanding of the Word:

I have already wrote to you about, what Rashad, and now you, call:

“God’s Most Beautiful Names”.

THIS IS NOT THE CORRECT TRANSLATION FOR THIS SENTENCE, or the real purpose for these Names will not be clarified for people as to know their use and the reason for them to be there. What I will repeat here without going through it all again, is that:

“EVERY ONE OF THEM IS THERE FOR A SPECIFIED REASON”; God Does not Tell us to call Him by them because of getting tired to be Named always by the same, and He Wants variation!

And they are certainly not there AESTHETIC WISE, for you and I to choose out of our own taste and mood, one of “the most beautiful of them”, and leave the superfluous aside . What is the matter with your reasoning?!

If you want to understand the Ghor’an better,


Mr Fazely, I hereby CHALLENGE you to bring answers to my questions, if you are truthful.

And if you could not, THAT YOU NEVER CAN (although I have sent you my book last year, and you might find some of the answers there), ask your witnesses and partners, associates (Mr Andalip & Sulk) to help you; and if they could not, that they never can, let the people of Masjid Tucson help; and if they could not, that they never can, let anyone in the world to help you to answer.














And I can go on asking many, many questions of the kind that I am absolutely certain cannot be answered by you or anybody else. So you see, Mr Fazely, it is not as simple as you think, I am afraid.

THANKS TO ALLAH that Has Cleared everything in the Ghor’an for us today; including your work in connection with His Messenger Rashad Khalifa.

Rashad’s Discovery was “the Path” to the Lord’s Great mathematical Miracle in the Ghor’an, and gave us only some view of it. And you only climbed to a higher level point and showed us the sight of the “Horizon” of this Miracle(81:23). You only climbed to a higher level point following Rashad’s Path. You did not discover a new “Path”! and once the line of “Horizon” appears:

-Anyone can lead in that direction and find the “Harmonics”;

-the more we move in that direction, the farther appears the “Horizon” in the “circle of Fundamental”.

So It is not finished, and there will be many more sights of mathematics yet to be seen and found.

I have been warning you over & over; God Is Witness.

May the Lord Have Mercy on you.

Correct your errors towards the people and repent to Him(6:54).

Salam Alaikom,

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