

22:5 “Oh people, if you’re in doubt about the rising up (after death) (consider) that We Created you from dust, then from a sperm drop, then from a leechlike clot, then out of a (embryonic) lump chewed flesh, formed and unformed that We May Show you …”

Concerning the human fetus, God has Provided details in the Qur’an that agree with modern science so closely that no doubt is left that He Is the Creator. The fetus at the stage of flesh looks like a piece of gum with a toothprint on it. At that stage, the size of the fetus is 1/10 of a millimeter, and to the eye it looks like a very tiny black dot. To see these details, we would need a powerful microscope of the kind that was not invented until the 17th century, 1000 years after the Qur’an. This verse is, therefore, the Proof.
